{ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗 }

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Bakugou's POV

Today has been the worst day ever! Not only have I not gotten a chance to talk to Uraraka, but we have a huge test for the end of the quarter on ways to save civilians tomorrow! Learning about ways to save civilians is so boring! I literally rather hang out with that emo earbud girl than take that dumb test!

Oh well, at least lunch is soon. I guess I'll sit with Uraraka.

"Hey, Bakugou!" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around and groan when I see that it's that rich girl with the ponytail that likes either Half n' Half or that earbud girl; I can't remember which because I don't care.

"Midoriya told me that you may have trouble with the test tomorrow, so I figured I'd help you study!" I immediately lean to the side and look at Deku. He's smiling and waves at me when he sees me. I give him a stare that says, "I know more than fifty ways to kill you so back off!!"

I think it worked, because he awkwardly turned away and started talking to Iida. I look back at rich girl.

"I don't need your help." I growl. She takes a step back. "O-okay. Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I answer. She walks away.

After last night with Uraraka, I've been trying to be a little bit nicer to people. For me that's not screaming at people every time someone tries to talk to me. A few minutes later, the bell rings. I sigh and say under my breath, "Finally, it's lunch time."

I sit by Uraraka once I enter the cafeteria. She greets me and a few moments later, Deku sits down across from me. OH, NO!!!! I FORGOT THAT DEKU ALWAYS SITS BY URARAKA!!!

Deku smiles at me. "Hi, Bakugou." I can feel my eye start to twitch as I try to hold in my anger.

"H-hi Deku," I whisper.

"So Deku, I-I mean Midoriya, I wanted to tell you something,"

"Yes?" Deku asks, drinking some of his water. Uraraka smiles.

"I like Bakugou. Like, like him. And he likes me back." Midoriya spits out the water in his mouth.

"H-h-how n-nice, Uraraka." He stutters. I smirk. He's so shocked he can't even speak.

As I'm about to say something, Midoriya passes out from shock.

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