{ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈 }

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Uraraka's POV

"Do not make a sound," A mysterious voice booms.

There's a black bag over my head so that I can't see anything. I'm panicking, and I'm trying to control my breathing to calm my nerves. Get a hold of yourself, Uraraka.

I wish Bakugou were here. He would know what to do. I don't even know where I'm at. I don't think it's too far from U.A. though.

"Uraraka Ochako, do you know why you are here?"

Hesitantly, I ask, "Where is 'here' exactly?"

"Well, I suppose since you will never leave this place alive, I can tell you. You are in the headquarters of the Villainous Crooks. V.C. for short."

"What is V.C.?" I ask.

"V.C. is an organization that captures and kills superheroes all across the world. We started in U.S.A. and now we're here in Japan."

"But why do you capture and kill superheroes? It doesn't make sense!" I complain.

"That is none of your business. Now if I were you, I would start saying your prayers now, because your time will be up soon..."

I shiver. I need to get out of this chair that I'm tied up in soon, or I don't think I'll ever see Bakugou again. I know it sounds weird but miss his scent. Bakugou always smelled of men's cologne, and I'm really like the smell of men's cologne. Don't judge me.

Well, I know how to get this bag off of my head. I touch the bag with my nose and cause it to float to the ceiling.

Good. Some progress at least. Now I just have to get through this rope.


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