"Today was absolutely perfect, thank you Naraku." I say quietly.

"If you're happy then it was worth every moment." He replies.

I lift my hand up and open them in front of us, I hold it in front of the sun, it immediately blocks out the bright light shining right at us, the sunlight seeping in through the gaps between my fingers that are spreading open. My red bracelet shifts on my wrist, and the red silk string floats in the air. Naraku then lifts his left hand and places over mine and wraps his fingers around my hand, fitting perfectly between the gaps. His bracelet still tied around his wrist and the string flutters in the breeze, I smile at the sight of our two bracelets.

"Everything seem so perfect, I wish time can stop here." I say quietly.

"Yes, how perfect would that be." He replies back.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you Naraku, I want us to get married, start a family, and live out our lives the way we want." I say as I bring our hands to my chest.

"____________..." Naraku says.

"Can you promise me that? That when I finally tell my parents about us, dissolving this issue between you, Inuyasha and the others, that we will start our lives together without any worries." I ask him.

I lift myself off of him and turn to look at him, Naraku's red eyes looking into mine.

"I worry that you won't be able to stay with me for the rest of my life, you're not like me, I can live on forever, but you..." Naraku says touching my face.

He's worried about that? I'm not even worried, so why should he.

"Yes, I'm not like you when it comes to immortality, but that doesn't mean that we can't have a happy life together. Remember what I told you about the cherry blossom flower? Like what it symbolizes, we shouldn't worry too much about the future, we should cherish the present. I'll live out the rest of my life with you in happiness, I'll make sure that both of us will be happy so that when the time comes, I won't have any regrets, and I don't want you to have any either." I say with a smile.

Naraku looks a bit conflicted, but finally smiles.

"Alright, no regrets, just happiness. I'll promise you that, a happy future for the two of us." Naraku says.

I feel so happy hearing him say that, I lean in and kiss him. He reciprocates it and caresses my face. The sun has officially set, and night arrives. The stars dances in the ebony sky as we look out again.

"Let's head in now." I say to him.

Naraku nods and stands up, he pulls me up and we head back inside hand in hand. I change out of my kimono and into my white one, Naraku doesn't need to change out of his kimono. I then blow out the candles, I take Naraku's hand in mine and guide him to the futon. The two of us then lay down onto the silk bed and turn to face each other. In  the dim room I can see his red eyes reflecting off the faint moonlight, they are gorgeous. I take his hand in mine and kiss it, Naraku then gently pulls me to him and I rest my head against his strong chest. The room is quiet but our breathing echos, I can feel his heartbeat next to my ear. It's soothing and hypnotic.

"I really do want to stay here with you Naraku, I want to forget about everything and just stay here with you. Away from my responsibilities and adulthood, being here feels rights." I say quietly.

"What about your friends and family?" He asks me.

He has a point, maybe I'm being a bit selfish, but this is what I want. It's what makes me happy, my parents has important things to do still even at their age, Sazanami is off and with a family of her own soon. Kagome and the others all have families now as well, with my age, the most important thing is to marry off. Although not married to a lord or someone wealthy, I have found the one. It's Naraku, he's the only thing in my life that can make me truly happy.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now