11. Valentine's Day

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Adya wiped her tears as she sat watching Me Before You. She was so in love, so hopeless, and so freaking annoyed. Just when she had thought that this Valentine could be her best, things had gone haywire. She was all alone on the evening of Valentine crying over a movie and her fate. He hadn't called. She didn't even know if he was back from Goa. 

Movies should really be banned. How she hoped he'll come to her before the plane departed. He didn't. Siya had gone on a date with her boyfriend. Never in life had Adya felt so left out. If only he was there by her right now. 

* * *

Dhruv swam in the silent waters of the pool, the only sound was that of water splashing as his arms cut through the surface of the water. He had practically kept himself busy ever since he had arrived last night. He just couldn't erase their confrontation from his mind. He walked out and wore his bathrobe and sat by the pool. His anger not fading away. What did she think of him? A puppet? One string in her hand and the other in his mother's? He grabbed the glass of wine gulping the liquid.

"Dhruv!" He recognized a familiar voice call out to him.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I am sorry, okay."

"Mom, please.  I don't want to talk about it.."

His mother sat on the lounge seat by the pool across from the one he sat on. "Adya called me and told me about the emergency.."

"Since when did you start being so cooperative with her?"

"Look, Dhruv. I know. I sort of dislike her for the attitude she displays before me. But I am not blind to not see how you've been living after the divorce." He looked up at her. 

"I know, I am not the best mother. But, I can see your pain. You love her Dhru. I know you've been taking the therapies and the counseling to become better. All for her. And honestly, when she called, I thought maybe this was it. This would bring you back together. So I agreed to her plan. The Chaddas were anyway coming over. So I simply made it look like my intention was to find another wife for you. It never was. It was only an attempt to draw Adya closer to you. Saying all that I said about and argued about in Goa was only to push you more to argue and take a stand for her. "

"You know how messed up this is? There is no me anywhere. There's just you and her!" Dhruv said in a small voice which was accusing.

"Maybe Adya wasn't the rig..."

"Mom. Don't." He warned, there was no way he was hearing his mother say that Adya wasn't a good option for him.

"I don't understand. You can neither hear anything against her nor...."

"Leave it there. It's complicated." He said looking away.

"Dhruv, you need to move on in life. You'll be stuck otherwise. I can't see you lonely. If not Adya then.."

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