1 - Rose Day

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Adya pinched the bridge of her nose. Grocery shopping in the supermarket was a time consuming task. But it was the best option as almost everything that she wanted was here. 

She stared at the couple standing before her. They just couldn't stop their drama. The guy exclaimed something stupid and the girl giggled like it was the funniest thing she had heard. Adya wasn't immune to the idea of romance. Perhaps she was irritated because hers had landed up in ruins. Get over him Adya! Her mind commanded.

She turned around, when she heard the abrupt stop of wheels of a shopping cart behind her. "Please open your eyes and walk, you almost hit me with that. " she exclaimed annoyed, looking down at the box of cookies that had fallen off the cart. 

"Extremely Sorry, I was ..am in a hurry!" The man said bending to pick up the box at to same time as she did. She stared at the familiar face.

 "Hi!" He spoke as his eyes shone with surprise.

She forced a smile, despite the fact that she knew– he'd make out it was forced. 

"You can say a hi, it won't cause annulment of our divorce." He joked putting the cookie box back into his cart. 

"Can you not go there!" She turned back, and looked at the queuing people before her. More impatiently than ever. 

"Adya, if you don't mind can I please go before you?" He spoke standing beside her. Adya quickly stepped aside, glaring at him. "Why on earth would I do that?"

"Because it's..." he desperately tried to come up with a reason. Unable to succeed he sighed and confessed, "I am in a hurry."

"Everyone has work, no one's jobless okay."

"I said I am in a hurry," he spoke, staring at her in utter disbelief. She was being super rude.

"Back off." She snapped flicking her hair behind.

"Are you PMSing or on you periods or something?"

"Shut up!" She glared at him. "I am not." She clarified, on second thoughts.

"Thank God. Okay now, Listen. I am really running late, I have to get these to Priyanka ASAP. Her friends are already home and ... It's a Long story " he spoke, hoping she understood.

"Good for you. I am also running late. But unlike you I am not bothering everybody else." She snapped, was she actually PMSing?

Dhruv rolled his eyes. "If someone needs to learn how to be arrogant, I'd send them to you."

"Look..." She snapped her fingers, narrowing her eyes at him. 

"You know what...you talk to yourself. I am going to get a way out." He spoke cutting her off. His gaze moved around  thoughtfully looking at the young boy and girl standing before them.

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