7. Hug Day

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Adya and Dhruv sauntered outside in the rail-side walking area of the cruise. The dessert was done and the dinner couldn't have been better. Not a word was exchanged between them after the dance. In fact, Adya kept the conversation light. She joked around about silly things. He knew what she was trying to do. Put out the flame. The flame they both wanted to burn in. Even this idea of hers of walking around in the cool air was a part of it all. 

Why did he think she'd keep the promise? 

He looked at his shoes as he walked lazily. His blazer hanging between his arm and body as he had his hands in pocket. He looked up to see her admiring the night waters and the distant lights. Perhaps she wasn't ready to get back to where he wanted them to go. Why did only he feel the urge to have her back in his life to be a part of him again? He felt incomplete without her. The past five days had been emotionally hard. The feelings he felt overwhelmed him. 

Adya folded her arms loving the feel of the moist cool air. Dhruv so wished they were his arms around her at the moment. Something kept him away. The thought that she wasn't at all near to where he was. He remembered her irritation throughout the day. Maybe the kiss was what had caused her the irritation. It hurt. The thought hurt. That moment was so beautiful. 

His thoughts were broken when he heard his mother's voice. He turned around to find her standing a little distance away.

"Can I talk to you?" Sheila said aloud. Her gaze shifting to Adya. Then returning to Dhruv.

"Sure." Dhruv spoke wondering what was it now. He walked over to Adya. Pocketing out the keys he handed it to her. Their eyes met for a brief moment before he turned on his heels and walked away. She took a deep breath. Relief began settling. She would just go to the room, change quickly and sleep. 'Absolutely' her inner voice mocked her. 

One night could change a lot. If he'd expect more than a night, things would end up being a total mess. God, she had never felt so desperate to have him make love to her. Suddenly everything about him was so freaking sexy. She couldn't help but felt the tug-of-war in her heart. 

* * * 

Dhruv walked over to the room they had been given. He was annoyed at his mother. She was asking him to get over Adya while he was thinking of getting her back in his life. It made him more determined to go back to her. He hated that his mother still thought she could control him. 

He entered the room to find it dimly lit. Adya was sitting in the bed engrossed in her phone. She smiled and looked up swiping her screen quickly. Was she hiding something? He pushed away the thought. "Not sleep yet?"

"Curiosity kept me awake. What did she say?"

"That the two of us looked drop dead gorgeous couple tonight!" He said hanging his coat and gathering his towel and night clothes. 

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

He looked up at her. "I am." 

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