Chapter One: Karma's a Bitch

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A/N: Salute peeps \(o.o) . This one was with me for a while and I was wondering whether or not I should post it. But then my brain went 'what the hell, s'not like I'm gonna get shot (literally)'...for this anyhow. As for mentally or metaforically well...that remains to be seen, so here it is.


Chapter One: Karma's a Bitch

My name is Kagen. People call me Kae. And at the moment I'm freezing my ass off in these woods. I don't know what my brother hopes to find out here in the bang smack middle of winter but here I am in a forest wading ankle deep in sludge of dirt and sleet. The clouds overhead threatened to pour more of the damned snow any minute now in an attempt to drown us.

Shivering, I had my arms crossed and my hands deep in my armpits as I trudged deeper into the forest, looking for my older brother. It was that cold that I was puffing clouds. Urgh, I wanna go home.

"Cody," I call and only met with silence. Cupping one of my gloved hands to my mouth, I try again. This time louder, "Cody!"

As I came up a slight hill I saw some partially crumbled ruins of a small weird looking grey brick building. As I came closer, I noticed a faded blue sign of a white stick person and realised it was one of those old 'public toilets' obviously no longer operational. Who would willingly use one of these places anyway? My brother told me stories that long ago back before the Disaster, people would willingly go and use these as sex stops and stuff and were rarely cleaned or working. Rounding the side of it, I began to call again, "Co-" only to be cut off by something pulled me harshly from the side, jolting me into the wall and ending in a strangled squeak, "-dy."

Looking around I saw my brother at the end of the tight grip on my coat.

"Would you shut up!?" a hiss escaped his lips, his eyes focusing on the trees.

"Sorry," muttering I looked out to the forest. "What's going on?"

"It's them."

Frowning, I forgot he automatically assumes I know what's going on. "What?"


"Don't shush me-"

His hand came slamming against my mouth, pausing me in my attempt to complain. Holding onto me tighter, He pressed himself over me, pushing my back further into the wall as if hoping we would merge with the flaking paint and brick rubble.

That was when I heard the shuffle of cloth and the deep tap-tap of boots marching on the road and a distinct ring from some sort of metal chain. From what I could tell, you know being fully incapacitated by this hulk pressing down on me, there is at least two people.

"You said that it was last sighted here, correct?" A male voice sounded out in the cold still air, which made me freeze.

"Yessir. The last pulse was felt thirty metres that way two minutes ago." Another male, if not a little younger, voice answered back. It felt like they were shouting even though they are speaking in no more than above a whisper.

Oh fuck. I look up at my brother who was out looking towards them, completely forgetting that I was here and his hand was making it hard to breathe. I lick it to get his attention, succeeding as his face screws up in disgust while removing his hand as if I had shocked him with electricity and wiped it on my coat with a half-hearted smack to go with it.

I pull a face back at him, wondering what was going on. Pressing a finger to his lips, he again asked me to be quiet before turning back out to look at what these intruders were up to. Seeing that he was going let me go, my headed rounded the corner to get a better look. My eyes widened in shock and probably what clutched at my heart the most, raw fear.

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