Loving Cuddles (Tracer X Reader)

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It had been a long day at work. Your back was killing you, you had gotten into an argument with a co worker and got yelled at by your boss, resulting in you getting fired. You sighed as you slid the key into the lock of the front door to the apartment you and your long-time girlfriend Lena shared. You opened the door and walked inside, shutting it behind you. Lena was in the living room running on the treadmill she had bought about a year back. She looked over at the door, noticing you came home. She stopped the treadmill, a smile on her face "Hiya luv!". She walked over to you, wrapping her arms around you gently.

You smiled "Hey darling, I missed ya" She looked up at you "I miss ya too! How was work?". You sighed heavily, gently laying your hand on her cheek "Oh darling....". She noticed your change of tone "What happened? Is everything alright?" You shook your held and held her close. "They fired me..." Tracer gasped "Oh Y/N I'm so sorry..." You smiled "It's not your fault Lena" You sighed as you looked down at her, her sad face was like looking at an upset puppy. You gave her a small kiss on her forehead, picking her up bridal style.

"Hey, look on the bright side, no work, more time to spend with you, and no horrible boss to order me around" She giggled, her cheeks a soft red color. She looked up at you "Y/N?...Remember when we first met?" You nodded. How could you forget the most amazing moment in your life? You and Lena had met in college, originally study partner assigned to each other, and something just clicked.

"I'm glad I met you, I didn't have many friends... I always thought you were such a sweet and compassionate person, you practically stole my heart at first glance" You grinned, those words coming from her mouth meant the world to you. You carried her into the bedroom, removing your work clothes "Jesus...I'm freezing..." Tracer got under the covers "C'mon luv, I'll warm you up. You layed beside here, you couldn't pass up an offer like that. She wrapped her arms gently around you, her body warmth against yours.

You leaned in close and kissed her gently "I love you Lena" She smiled "I love you too Y/N"

*Sorry that was so short, the next one will be longer and more story based! Hope you liked this though!*

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