Reginald Travis (Male Werewolf OC)

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"Actions speak louder than words"

Full Name: Reginald Steven Travis

Nickname: Reggie, Reg, or Casey

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Werewolf

-Human form-

Body type: Rhomboid

Height 6' 1"

Weight: 184 pounds

Eye color: light blue 

Hair color: brown

Hair style: Spiky and slightly wavy

Facial hair: He will sometimes dawn a nice clean bead from time to time, but he will mainly have no facial hair.

Tattoos: He has a tattoo on his right shoulder of a wolf, its suppose to look similar to Calvin, his wolf.

Tattoos: He has a tattoo on his right shoulder of a wolf, its suppose to look similar to Calvin, his wolf

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Scars: He has a scar that goes across his left eye, it was from a fight with a strong pack wolf.

-Wolf form-

Wolf's name: Calvin

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Wolf's name: Calvin

Body type: Ideal

Height: 3' 7"

Weight: 168 lbs.

Eye color: light blue

Fur color: Dark grey

Scars: He has the same scar across his left eye from a previous fight.


Personality: Reggie is a friendly person and likes helping out younger pups and elder wolves when they are in need of assistance. When not doing this, Reggie can be seen hunting in the woods or practicing with his trusty lance. Training is one of Reggie's top favorite things to do, due to the fact that he wants to be one of the greatest hunters in history of his pack. With this sense wanting to be the best, he will tend to call out some of the other hunters to challenge them on who is the better hunter. He is a little hot headed due to this but isn't a poor sport, if he loses he takes it like a man. Though losing only fuels his want to be better.

Style: He wears a dark green undershirt with a black jacket, blue jeans or grey sweat pants, and he wears  either hiking boots, or black converse.

Likes: Practicing with his lance, cooking, hunting, and video games (particularly first person shooters or hunting games) 

Dislikes: Staying indoors for too long, Missing a day of practice, being sick, Heavy rain and hail

Mental stability: He's sane

Health Problems: None as of now

Temper (1 to 10): 6-7, Reggie doesn't lose his temper that much

Signs: Leo

Occupation: Chief, and Hunter

Theme song: Welcome to the Jungle

Voice claim: Stephen Amell

Rank: Hunter/Guard

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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