chapter 11

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"You need to come talk to Crowley, now!"

"About what Dean?"

"The boys, and dad."

Sam and Dean rushed to the containment room. Since the boys were asleep you followed.

"Hello love, there's something you all should know."

"What crowley?" You replied with rage.

"Your boys, they have a special power."

"Which is?"

"They can bring John back. You have angel blood in you from your father's side, and from Sam demon blood. They are hybrids. They can open the veil and bring him back."

"Why are you telling us this? Knowing you, you're gonna want something." Sam replied.

"I need them to bring back my son."

"They're only 6 months old. How do you expect them to do that."

"Mother will help you, she's met twins like them before.

You pulled Sam and Dean out of the room.

"You're not going to trust him are you?"

"I don't know, Dean.. if there's a chance we can bring John back we need to do everything we can. I'll talk to Cas about it and see what he says." You reply.

"Sam?" Dean looks over to Sam to get his opinion.

"I agree with Dean on this, Y/N."

"I don't care they are not only your children and they need their family, every member counts."

You walk back into the room and ask Crowley what you need to do.

"We'll start training tomorrow."

You let Crowley go and leave to feed your children.

****3 weeks pass****

"It's time" says Rowena

You were instructed to set them together, giving them each a picture of John and one of Gavin.

They were supposed to look at the picture and they two men would appear somewhere withing a 25 mile radius. With the help of Crowley and Cas, they would locate the men and bring them back to the bunker.

Sam called Mary to let her know what's happening. She would rush over just in time. They boys sat on the bunker floor, Robert had his grandfather, John's, dog tag army necklace. Johnny had Gavin's baby blanket.

Within minutes a flash of light blue light, flooded the bunker, everyone but you and the babies were temporarily blinded.

A few minutes passed and the guys left, to collect the newly released men.

John walked down the bunker steps. Sam, Mary and Dean rushed over to him. Everyone hugged him, but as expected rowena, crowley, and gavin were no where to be seen.

"Dad, I have something to show you." Sam said pulling his father towards you and your boys. " This is my fiancé, Y/N, and our boys, John and Robert. You can call them Johnny and Robbie."

John walked up to you, picked you up and gave you a hug.

"I remember you running around Bobbie's in your little overalls, now your grown up and the mother of my grandchildren."

You all spent the rest of the night together.

Sam got up in the middle of the den and said, "let's get this wedding on the road."

I hope you're enjoying the story! Feel free to comment, and vote. It's all appreciated. 🖤

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