chapter 5

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The only one that doesn't know you and Sam are together is Kevin.

"So Sam what else did the pizza man teach You?" Cas said shoving his mouth full of noodles.

Everyone spit out their food but Cas and Dean. Your cheeks turn red.

"What's Cas talking about Sam?" Kevin asks.

"Fine Sam and I are together. There I said it. You happy Dean?!" You scream storming out of the kitchen and into your room.

"Thanks asshat. " Sam says to Dean.

Sam gets up and comes to comfort you.

"I wanted to be the one to tell everyone, but Dean and Cas had to ruin it..."

"Baby it's not that big of a deal. So what they know? It doesn't matter. Nothing matters but you, me, and our family. I love you so much. " Sam says in a soft, comforting voice.

You both fall asleep in eachothers arms.

*a few weeks later*

You woke up feeling nauseous. You ran to the bathroom and found yourself vomitting.  Sam hears you from the bed, and comes running to your comfort. You woke your mouth off and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. On the way to the kitchen you pass the calender. You notice your periods late. You don't think anything of it since your periods have been irregular since you could remember.
You began making omlettes and frying up some bacon the guys, but egg whites, turkey sausage, and spinach for you and Sam. Once breakfast is done you plate Sam and your food then put the other guys food onto a big plate so they can portion it for themselves.

You all sit down to enjoy your meal. You take one bite of the food you've eaten and enjoyed every day for the past few weeks, and have a sudden urge to hurl. You run to the closest bathroom which happens to be Dean's and hurl into his toilet. By this time you're starting to put two in two together. You ask Dean to borrow his impala to drive to town. Sam thinks nothing of it so he lets you go.

"What was all that about?" Dean asks.

"Its nothing. I'm sure she just had a few errands to run." Sam replied.

You run into the nearest drug store and purchase a pregnancy test, then make your way back home. Once you're back in the bunker you head to the bathroom, and pee on the sticks.  They all came out negative but one so you didn't know what to believe.

You asked Cas when your were alone to check for you. He understand so he did what was asked of him.

"Y/'re pregnant...with twins.." Cas said in a patient but nervous tone.


Hey it's me again just checking in. Be sure to leave any questions, comments, and requests in the comments or even message me.  Hope you all are enjoying this.

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