Chapter 12: Let me fix you

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Just some random sketches ^^ I hope they're not too awful.


He reached out his hands to grab the frightened woman as tears continued to run down her face. The small woman pulled back before he managed to get a hold of her, her mouth letting out a quiet gasp while her irises shrunk at the sight of his hands. 

They were dripping with the thick red blood of his victims. 

He couldn't put his hands on her with all this filth sticking to his palms, she was too pure to be dirtied with such things.

Jason wiped his hands over his pants, ruining the trousers in the process of cleaning his most important tools. 

Reese wasn't able to get a word past her lips, as if her tongue was tied into a tight knot. She couldn't bare to look at what was left of the teens, the smell alone being enough to crush her heart with pity and fear. And she couldn't make out what the masked man was thinking as the look in his eyes went from animosity to benevolence in mere seconds.

Her eyes were constantly gravitating towards the wounds in his chest. How he was still standing was beyond her. 

Blood trickled into his clothing, and yet he seemed unfazed, caring more about the blonde with the pixie haircut then himself. 

"y-your injured" she stated in a shaky voice, her eyes glassy with tears as she tried to remove the image of the slaughtered teens from her mind. Fear was still pumping through her veins. If he was able to do this so effortlessly to the others, what held him back doing the same to her?

He had almost forgotten about the entrenched lead in his chest. He was more concerned about his little lady becoming reserved and skittish again.

And he was thinking about a way to punish her for her disobedience, for had he regained his stance just a moment later, she would be dead where she stood. He didn't want to add to her distress by all means, but he didn't want to risk another confrontation like this either. He could take a few rounds without major consequences, but just a fragment of the bullet that buried itself in his chest could have been the end of her. 

He looked at his wounds and then back at the artist before grabbing her by her waist and helping her up. He could clearly feel her shaking, her cheeks were was pale as a corpse's and her green orbs seemed as they were glued to his gaping wounds. 

He pointed at her, and then into the direction of his cabin, she could clearly see the dismay in his eyes. "I'm sorry" she muttered, guilt coating every single letter she spoke. She knew what he meant, and in retrospect it seemed like she definitely should have listened to his order. 

He slowly lifted his hand and she shut her eyes quickly, expecting a harsh punishment. 

Jason pinched her cheek. 

He had crossed his arms in a satisfied manner, pleased with how he handled his first non-lethal punishment. 

Had her gaze not dropped to the cooling bodies, she would have smiled at his goofy gesture. But instead she got spooked again and buried her face in his chest, her hands on top of his wounds as the bleeding slowly subsided. 

This time it was his strongest muscle that got to skip a few beats. Her action was far more than unexpected, yet welcome. For a moment he thought that he was having a heart attack. 

"let me help" she muttered barely audible. Jason looked down at her, indecisive of whether to put his arms around her or not. In that moment she looked so much more delicate and in need of comfort, and yet she was worrying about him?

He shook his head, a deep grumble emerging from the bottom of his rib cage as she seemed oddly unresponsive, fearing the shock was too much to bear for his maiden.

This day was clearly not up to a good start. 

"please..." she pleaded as her sorrowful eyes met his again "Let me help. I know how to do this". 

His eyes widened in shock. Why would she know how to deal with such gruesome wounds? His hands were quick to brush over her back and waist, searching for scars, fearing she might have been subject to a similar attack in her past. 

She yelped when he went to feel up her torso, causing him to lift his hands and hold them up like he was just accused of the most dubious thing. 

"My grandfather shot himself in the leg on a hunting trip" she said nervously. "s-so let me help" added the blonde firmly. But if he was honest, he couldn't take her seriously. The sight of blood alone seemed to drain her face of it. And yet she seemed so determined despite struggling to hold back tears. 

Right as he wanted to grab her by the arm and lead her back home, she tugged at his sleeve. Her expression was a mixture of worry, sorrow and fear, all the while calmed by his presence. "the cabins must have running water and supplies. Let me fix you" she begged him to finally give in to her wish. 

He wanted to decline again, but he couldn't withstand her olive green eyes. Even if he tried to refuse once more, his body wouldn't allow it. 

He sighed and pointed into the direction of the camp, then tilted her head to face the ground. He hadn't had the time to clean up after the previous massacre, and the sight of decaying teens with their insides spilled on the ground was surely something he wanted to keep her from seeing since Reese seemed so sensitive to it. 

Considering that her sight was now limited to the ground in front of her, Jason took the little lady by her wrist and guided her though the forest.

One of his steps equaled three of hers. He deliberately choose paths to avoid slashed bodies, not wanting her emotions to get messed up even more. 

The stench of death crept into her nose, alarming her primal instincts to danger and enhancing her senses, making it even more unbearable to to endure the smell. She covered her mouth and nose with her hand. How was he not even batting an eye? Was he really that used to it. 

She stopped in her tracks when she heard the disturbing sound of bones breaking beneath her feet. Jason was quick to tug her along, keeping her from seeing it before she mustered the courage to look. 

They were quick to reach a rather intact cabin and the masked man closed the door behind them, relieved that they made it without any further incidents.

"Bathroom... first aid kit... stuff" she whispered as she headed for the cabinets in the kitchen, looking for any sort of antiseptics. To his dismay she pulled out a bottle of whiskey. Jason wanted to protest, but she was quickt to state that the alcohol would clean his wounds. 

"y-you can undress in the bathroom while I'm searching" suggested the freckled girl when she saw him standing in the middle of what she guessed to be a living room. "Everything b-b-but the underwear" she then added sheepishly. 

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