Chapter 7: Memories

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Reese was searching for a needle and some thread until her eyes spied a first aid kit under the bed. 

"Here you go my little honey bear" said her mother while patching up her daughters hand after she cut it up on a coral. They were on a weekend trip to the beach. Reese could remember this day particularly well, mostly because of it significance. They weren't going to the beach very often, her father hated the sand ruining his paint. She did come after him, becoming a painter later in life and all, but she had gotten her mothers gentle attitude.

"Sick of the ocean?" teased her dad as he approached with the easel that was to become hers soon. She rolled her eyes, a mild case of teenage angst. She was sixteen after all, going to graduate soon, so nobody would resent her for a bit of  juvenile sass and longing for independence. 

Reese's expression turned into a sad one when she picked up the killers torn jacket, remembering that her father wore a similar one that very day her mind forced her to recall. 

"We wanted to tell you something. We have been struggling on how to... word things and... you know we both love you" said her father as he sat down beside the two females in the sand. "We figured that we could give you one last happy memory before life changes. But don't worry, everything is going to be fine" added her mother and her parents both shared a glance before each grabbing a hand of her's. "We aren't happy with each other anymore, the love left and we are getting a divorce" said her father after gulping. She saw the guilt in their eyes. They felt guilty for robbing her of a picture perfect family, but neither did they want her to grow up in a household of negative vibes between both of them. 

A silent tear rolled down the young girls cheek. She breathed in deeply, letting her long blond locks fall into her face to concede her watery eyes. "I understand" she nodded. 

She didn't want them to split up, couldn't believe that her parents fell out of love, but she hasn't seen them kiss in months either. 

"I'm sorry honey, but we can't stay together like this anymore" said her father. She heard his voice crack. She heard him trying to suppress his tears as well and it just made her crack up as well, seeing the sand beneath her change color when her salty tears landed on it. 

The woman in the plaid shirt went outside, throwing the bloodied dungarees into the cold water of the lake, hoping to safe the item from stains. The cabin seemed to be on a little island in the middle of the lake, although a sunken path connected it to the "main land". The glimmering blue water would surly reach her knees if she was to try wand walk the sunken path. Nothing special, but a death sentence if she was to pass out. She understood why the camp was called "Crystal Lake". The water was crystal clear, emitting a light blue shine that testified it's healthy ecosystem. 

She sat down and crossed her legs, her back turned to the sun, receiving the warmth of it. Her capable hands were quick to start a resistant pattern when sewing the jacket, reminding her that maybe she should do the same to her knee, for the gash seemed to be a of fairly alarming depth. She was just too scared to look. What if it turned out to be infected? 

She knew what an infection looked like, and it wasn't pretty, it looked so rotten, felt so painful and was a life threatening situation to deal with. She remembered it well. 

The girl was playing with her hair while sitting silently in the backseat. She didn't know what to say to her parents, and neither did they. She was full of sorrow, fearing to never see the one again that wouldn't get custody of her. But at that point she couldn't even imagine what a real heart break felt like. 

If it wouldn't have been for that boar, that foolish animal that just had to run onto the road, both of her parents would still be alive, and maybe that beach trip would have become a happy memory. 

That evening she awoke at the closest hospital, her dad died on the spot, her mother shortly after arriving at the hospital. And she was left with a head injury and an open break on her arm. 

That was the injury that triggered her condition. But she only found out about it when her grandparents brought her home. She passed out on the stairs, breaking her other arm as well. 

By the time Reese snapped out of her sad memory she had already fixed the jacket and bear, staring at the old toy. 


Jason returned with the little lady's suitcase and wooden contraption, figuring he could go get it while the woman was changing. He didn't expect to find her outside, fixing his things. 

He put her things down by the door, approaching the woman that seemed to be engulfed by her thoughts. He was surprised to see her hold his bear. It was mothers gift, but he was happy to see it back in one piece. 

The woman wasn't aware of him standing behind her, yet of his ability to close distance more quietly than a mouse could. 

His eyes scanned her thighs. He was in total awe at how smooth and fair her skin looked.  Could it really be that bad if he went in to touch them?

The woman got up and turned, meeting his chest with her face and letting out a surprised sound. She almost fell right back, wouldn't it have been for his hands that grabbed her by her thighs. 

Both were equally shocked at the action he performed in his wishful thinking before even considering it. 

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