Chapter 2 : Comatose

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He turned his face to the woman he followed when he heard a gasp. She was laying on the floor. He furrowed his brows. He didn't put up a trap in this area, even though it was awfully close to his home. So he wondered what it was that caused his person of interest to suddenly fall down and let out a noise of pain. He slowly approached her, his shoulder imbued with the hare's blood. He wondered again, wether or not that was a trick and wether she was waiting to strike him as soon as he was close enough.

His big hand grabbed the handle of his machete as he cautiously and silently approached the strange female, noticing the strange construction she brought with her. It was covered in paint. And as he knelt next to her he wondered again if she just dropped dead. But people don't just drop dead like this, right?

He put his hand on the back of her tiny frame and indeed he felt her tiny torso moving up and down. She was breathing.

His brows furrowed again, what was wrong with that girl? Not only did she went that far from camp and seemed to be a pretty docile one, she seemed to also have fallen asleep just now. He huffed when he turned her on her back and had still not gotten a reaction from the short-haired blonde. Should he just kill her? Mother hasn't instructed him to, yet. He noticed brown sparkles all over her face. If he could only remember what those ones were called. He has seen other girls who came to the camp with the same things on their skin, but they never seemed to want others to see. Maybe a girl thing? Like them not being supposed to show their chests? He felt an unpleasant feeling reaching his stomach at that thought and decided to not look at these dots again.

He softly pushed one of her lids up. There wasn't really a reason for it, he just wondered what color her eyes would be for he couldn't make them out from the distance. He leaned in closer when he noticed that in fact her eyes rolled back into her head. Did something hit her in the head? He knew that whenever he'd strike a head with enough force the eyes would roll back just as hers did. He lifted her hand and let it drop back onto the floor. No reaction. That women was out of it, her body limp and weak.

He scratched the back of his head, clueless as to what could have caused the state of this little lady. He could end her on the spot, but did she deserve it? For all he knew she could have been just like the others he had slain before. But why then wasn't his mother encouraging him to take the woman's life?

He got up and decided to spare this woman for now. With her being in what appeared to be a slumber he would have some time to hunt the clearly rotten ones before returning to her and deciding on wether or not she was someone who needed to be eradicated from this world.


His grip was tight around his machete. He left a couple of traps for the teens if they decided to wander off into his domain, but for now he was observing every movement of theirs. His veins pulsated when he watched them sip from their bottles, touch each other where only a wife or husband was supposed to. He wanted to get rid of them, disgusted at their actions, but he knew that if he was to wreak havoc then and there some would be able to escape. "Every single one of them" whispered his mother and he clenched his hand around his weapon even harder then before. As the sun begun to continue it's cycle and started to color the area in a pinkish orange tone, only two of these promiscuous beings were left at the central campfire. The rest scurried into the cabins.

"Don't you like that?" questioned the guy the girl in front of him as he reached his hand beneath her skirt. "Feels sexy" answered the girl with a smug grin. Jason couldn't help but shutter in distaste for the two of them. "C'mere you whore" hissed the guy and pulled her forcefully onto his lap before slapping her behind. The girl cried out in pain but tried to maintain a smile nonetheless and replied "I like that". The masked man wanted to tear them to pieces. He was sick because of their repulsive behavior. Right as he wanted to come out of his hiding spot between the foliage and crush the teens, the blonde little lady appeared from within the forest. She was holding her head, he could see her distress when she seemed to stumble. He almost wanted to sigh in disappointment when he watched her approach the disgraceful teens, expecting her to take part in their revolting behavior.

"You don't happen to have some medicine for headaches, do you?" 

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