Chapter 10: Natural inconvenience

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A promise. It's been a while since anyone had promised him something. He was happy that the woman vowed to stay with him, the first and only one in years to take even the slightest bit of interest in him, yet alone be so kind to the isolated man.

He wasn't able to contain his delight any further and stepped closer to the artist. He wrapped his arms around the female, one hand caressing the back of her head, the other resting on her lower back and pressing her gently against himself. He enjoyed her flustered heartbeat and touch.

To him this was the definition of pure bliss.

She now only realized how much taller he was, her head barely reaching his chest. The height of the man was quite intimidating, but at that moment she felt rather at ease, appreciating his warmth. Reese listened to his massive heartbeat, feeling his chest move as he took deep breaths.

His muscles were quite firm, the clothes being thin enough for her to feel them. Her fingers gently brushed over his back as she wrapped her arms around him as well. She noticed way to many deep scars, feeling her heart sink as she imagined in how much pain he must have been in.

"You must have been so lonely all this time" she whispered when she felt him holding her tighter. The low rumble in his chest when he growled in satisfaction wrapped the girls mind in mellow cotton-like clouds, calling her into the world of dreams.

"Sleep doesn't sound that bad after all" murmured the blonde and watched the excitement in the man's blue eyes rise. He was quick to pull her back into the cabin, glad that she decided to rest by his side.

She never shared a bed with someone, yet alone a man. So the thought of sleeping next to him was quite a strange one, but not a frightening one. She was sure that he had no crooked intentions, so there is nothing bad about dreaming by someone else's side, is there? Even if it's a bit frowned upon, there is nothing malicious about it.

He put his jacket back onto the chair and sat down on his bed, patiently waiting for Reese to get comfortable as he took his good-as-new stuffed bear. "He kept you company, didn't he?" asked the woman while she watched him handle the toy with such delicacy and caution she never witnessed before. The toy must have been the only sense of comfort he had in years.

Her heart ached at that thought and she was glad she promised to stay with him. Reese remembered the emptiness she felt when she lost her parents and he must have endured a similar pain for who knows how long without having relatives ore friends to take care of him.

"D-don't you want to get changed f-for sleep?" she stuttered as she felt herself far out of her element, not knowing how to proceed and her fingertips getting icy again.

It has been a while since he changed into sleepwear for resting. He recalled that as a kid his mother helped him change into PJ's, but ever since he lived at the lake , items of clothing that fit him were rather rare and so he didn't change for sleeping. "You... can't?" asked Reese when she noticed that the man shook his head slightly. "I can get you some clothes from the town tomorrow. I need new paint any-" she couldn't even finish her sentence as Jason grumbled disapprovingly, shaking his head and tensing immediately.

He grabbed her by her lower arms, staring into her eyes strictly, indicating that he didn't condone it. "alright" she mumbled and sat down next to the man.

As they both got under the covers and blew out the candles the feeling of utter content arose inside of him. He watched the blond fight for consciousness as her body wanted to pull her into the strange coma once more. Her eyes rolled back quickly as she acknowledged that there was no reason to fight the sleep and Jason was left with curiosity and the burning desire to inquire her about her strange slumber. He brushed his hand over her cheek again, admiring the girl's freckles and intriguing features before falling asleep himself.


He woke up as soon as the birds started chirping and felt a pair of hands clinging to his own. His gaze fell upon the sleeping artist, softly breathing, her hair a mess, he found himself admiring the girl and squeezing her hands before his eyes stumbled upon a few loose buttons on the plaid shirt that revealed the girls collarbone and upper chest. The masked man realized that a problem did occur, a standing one in fact.

He was ashamed that his body reacted in such a manner, feeling no better than the teens at the camp.

Would she judge him if she was to find out about that? It was common after all, and his mother told him it was natural thing to happen, but nevertheless he feared to upset his new made friend. However, the shameful feeling wasn't that easy to get rid of and fearing she might wake up at any second he was quick to leave the bed and try to calm himself.

A yawn made Jason jolt in shock. He seemed to have woken up the female and he was mortified at the idea that she might see what caused him great shame. He was quick to turn his back at the female, trying to figure out a way to disguise his issue.

"Are you okay?" asked the girl in a confused tone as she watched the mute man adamantly facing the wall as tense as a bowstring. She flung her legs over the edge of the bed, feeling the wood beneath her feet as she slowly approached Jason. "Did something happen?" she questioned the man as uneasiness spread throughout her body, the lack of a reaction increasing her worry.

"Are you hurt?" she asked anxiously, trying to get a look on his eyes to figure out what emotion laid within them.

But she spied something different and her cheeks turned blood red in an instant.

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