"Which one?!" The cop who was pressing Ethan down against the hood of the car yelled out suddenly, blood trickling out of Ethan's busted lip & onto the shiny metal vehicle. "The other one is Cameron!" Grayson's voice shouted, appearing next to the entrance of the fair, along with James by his side. "Alright, boy, you're free to go." The cop who was holding Ethan said & released him, quickly taking off the handcuffs, then jogging over to where his partners were handling Cameron. Ethan rubbed his slightly irritated wrists & I breathed in shakily as people ran past my shaking form on the ground, being attracted to the commotion of cops. My hazy eyes moved to look at Cameron's face shoved onto the ground, my blood running cold as his heartless eyes met mine. His bludgeoned face spread into a smirk & my heart skipped a beat in fear before arms were suddenly wrapped around me, causing me to scream & flinch. "It's just me, it's just me, shh." Ethan's voice said into my ear & I relaxed against his broad chest, turning & wrapping my arms around his neck as I buried my face into his hoodie. "Ethan." I whimpered, only wanting to hear his raspy yet soothing voice again. "I know, fuck. You don't deserve anything that has happened to you yesterday and today. We shouldn't have come here. You need time." Ethan explained, sounding like he was almost talking to himself but I didn't respond, wanting nothing more than to be held in the strong arms of the boy I loved. Even if he didn't feel the same.

Ethan kept my shaking body in his arms as he picked me up, causing me to cling my arms tighter around his neck & wrap my legs around his waist as he placed his hands on my lower back. I kept my face buried in his neck, a few tears of shock still running down my face & dampening Ethan's skin. "Jesus, you're shaking so badly." Ethan muttered above me & my body swayed side to side a little as he started to walk. "Gray! James! Over here!" He yelled, his chest vibrating at his voice as he removed one hand from the small of my back & waved it around in the air. I sniffled into the collar of his hoodie & held onto his warm body tighter as he jogged across the black tar under his feet. I heard a vehicle door being opened & felt Ethan suddenly climb into his 'Range Rover', keeping me now on his lap as I didn't move. "Emma?" I faintly heard James ask from the passenger seat & instead of answering him, I focused on getting my breathing back to normal. "I think she's in shock, she hasn't said anything but one word since I found her on the ground." Ethan mumbled above me & I inhaled deeply, my shaking lungs trying to get enough air. The scent of Ethan's cologne filled my nostrils & I relished in the scent, liking how it was a sweet yet spicy smell at the same time. "I'm so sorry that he was there." Ethan mumbled into my ear, his hands grazing up & down my back comfortingly. "And I'm sorry for starting a fight." He continued & I blinked slowly, my eyelashes fluttering against the base of his neck. "It's just when he-he looked at you like...you were something he wanted to eat, I just-lost it..." He trailed off above me & I could tell he was trying to control his anger, the movements of his hand on my back coming to a stop. I pulled my head away from his neck slowly looked into his distracted eyes, causing his gaze to then meet mine & his pupils softened as I stared into his dark green orbs. Without a word, I leaned back forward & resumed my face's position in the crook of his neck. His chest rose & fell as he sighed, his hands going back to tracing random & sleepy patterns onto my back. My eyes slowly blinked closed & I succumbed to my exhaustion, falling asleep.

I felt somebody suddenly softly nudge my shoulder & I groaned, opening my eyes as Ethan gave me a warm smile with his busted lip while looking down at me still on his lap. I yawned & then went back to my original position with my face stuffed into his neck. He chuckled above me & I could imagine him shaking his head. "Come on, you can stay the night at our place. You're already fucking exhausted clearly, I can see the drool on my hoodie." He stated & I rolled my eyes under my closed eyelids, slapping his shoulder lightly with all of the energy I had. He laughed lightly & hooked one arm under my ass to hold me up as he opens the car door & stepped out onto the cement. The cold night's air blew against my back & I shivered as he slammed the car door shut behind us. I lifted my head up to look around outside, the only dim lighting coming from a streetlight near the end of the Dolan's driveway. I moved my eyes to look at the front door we were headed towards, seeing Grayson's dark figure messing around with the key to it & seeming like he was struggling with getting the door unlocked. "Where's James?" I asked confused, my voice thick from the short amount of sleep I had received during the car ride. "We dropped him off at his house, his mom wanted him home for a baby shower he has to go to tonight." Ethan explained as he continued to walk towards the front porch & I nodded in understanding as I ducked my head back into his shoulder.

Ethan & I finally reached the porch & Grayson's dark figure was still messing around with the key in the keyhole of the big white door. "Gray, come on, it can't be that fucking hard!" Ethan groaned, laughing lightly as I let out a soft laugh through my nose. "Grayson's gone." Grayson suddenly said in a different voice, turning around slowly & my breathing stopped as I realized it was Cameron & not Grayson. I felt Ethan's whole body tense under me, spikes of panic running through my veins. "Y-you got arrested." I stated, looking over Ethan's shoulder at Cameron's still bloody face. Cameron nodded his head, moving his head around for a moment before looking down at something in his hand. "Yeah, well, those cops should really keep their guns in a more secure holster..." He trailed off & suddenly cocked a small handgun, moving it up & pointing it directly at Ethan's head. "No! Cameron stop, please! I'll do anything!" I pleaded & Cameron only glared at me, pushing the barrel of the gun closer to Ethan's forehead. "Too. Fucking. Late. You lost that option when Dolan over here decided to break my fucking nose." Cameron spat & before I could scream or yell, he pulled the trigger & Ethan's breath hitched below me as the loud gunshot rang throughout the neighborhood. My heart stopped.

"-mma!" I gasped & shot up in whatever I was laying on, feeling tears running down my face as my whole body shook with tremors of fear & nerves. A large hand touched my inner arm & I flinched greatly, my head hitting the headboard of the bed I was on. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it was just a nightmare." Ethan's gentle voice suddenly soothed next to me in the dark as he pulled me into his arms & I shook against his chest, cuddling closer to his body warmth as my breath hitched loudly every time I tried to breathe. "Etha-an?" I stuttered, cupping his face in my shaky & cold hands to make sure this was real. "Yes, I'm here, I promise. You're alright." He whispered, turning his head slightly to kiss the palm of my jittery hand that rested on his cheek. He pulled me closer to his shirtless body as he was only wearing dark grey sweatpants, rocking my body slowly in his arms as I attempted to calm down my shaky breathing. "Breathe, 's okay." He mumbled into my ear & my body melted against his warm touch as I looked around the room, realizing I was in the guest room at the Dolan's house. "H-How did you know?" I asked, referring to him somehow knowing that I was having a bad dream. He pulled me even closer against his warm chest & sighed. "I could hear you crying & screaming from my room down the hallway." He explained & I stayed still as he combed his fingers through my hair comfortingly. My eyelids fluttered shut at his gentle gestures & he suddenly moved us so that were were laying down, pulling the heavy comforter over our tangled bodies as I wrapped my arms around him to keep him close. "Stay." I said quietly, only half hoping that he would hear me as my voice cracked.

"Always." Ethan responded & he pulled my small frame even closer, engulfing me in his soothing body heat.


Author's Note: i-literally have no excuse. I forgot to fucking post lmao. ly all tho. <333333 mega uwu love.

¿smut soon idk?

Alps ✰ EthmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora