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Izuku Midoriya walked down the Tokyo streets on his first patrol since he had gotten back from his mission in Liuzhou in China. Crime rates were always highest there causing a high-level villain to slip under the radar of most hero agencies. Turns out he had enough time and resources to build a following. 

Once Izuku's agency caught drift of an evil force was brewing, they sent him in to locate and infiltrate the group in order to get to the top and take the villain out. He ended up being there for just over a year and he was excited to get back to his new life.

He was gone so long that he thought he might lose his spot as #1 hero to Katsuki who's been after it since they had gotten their hero's licenses. When Izuku had left Katski had been #3. Izuku always thought that if Katsuki had ever tried to act nicer to people he probably would have made it to be #1, but unfortunately he never really saw himself as having an attitude problem.

It felt good to finally be back up and doing typical hero things again, Izuku thought. Especially after doing all that recon and undercover work in Liuzhou and all of the paperwork, debrief meetings, and psychological tests he had to go through once he got back. He'd spent almost all of his time at the agency HQ filling out forms and writing reports so when they told him he was approved for field work again he was overjoyed. 


This place is a little windier than I remember Izuku thought as a gust of wind ruffled his already messy locks. He kept walking down, look around for any suspicious activity as he went. It wasn't much longer until Izuku was almost knocked over by another strong gust of wind.

Okay, that was definitely not normal! More thoughts like this started running through Izuku's mind along with ideas about what might be causing this, or rather who was causing it and how he might find them. He started running towards the tallest building in the area and used his quirk to make his way to the top for a better vantage point, fighting the increasingly strong wind on his way up.

He perched up on the lip of the roof and surveyed the area. It seemed that the strongest currents were confined to a small area about eight blocks from the building he was on. While the situation was serious, Izuku couldn't help but feel a little excitement at actually fighting a villain again instead of tracking, trailing, and lurking in the shadows for hours upon hours. 

Deciding he needed to get closer to the action he launched off of the rooftop to the next, sprinting across the top and leaping to the next. He bounded off of building after building, focused on getting to the point of commotion. He didn't know what he was going to do when he got there, but he would just have to cross that bridge when he got there. 

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