Luca notices Linc

Start from the beginning

"Now you are the one with the funny name right?"

"Li, Lionel?"tried Greggs.

"No, it is Lincoln. Right? Like the president" Luca flashed a smile at him.

Lincoln nodded imperceptibly.

"What is your surname?"

Lincoln flicked the cigarette butt to the floor and stubbed it out with his toe. Greggs looked at him with distaste. Lincoln might as well tell him his surname. With a first name like Lincoln, he was pretty easy to track.

"Taylor, Lincoln Taylor"

"I'm Sergeant Luca and this is PC Greggs" said Luca, motioning to Greggs. "But then again, we have met before haven't we?"

"Dunno" replied Lincoln, "You pigs all look the same to me."

Greggs bristled but Luca ploughed on, ignoring the insult.

"What are you doing out so late and without a coat? It is almost midnight."

Luca came a bit closer to him, putting his arm out on the pole holding the swings up.

"Nothing" replied Lincoln.

"What happened to your eye?" asked Luca, taking in his black eye and swelling around it. "Were you in a fight tonight?"

Lincoln snorted to himself. "Yeah, something like that."

"Now, we saw you with your buddies the other night, as we went into the cafe. When we came back out, our tires had been slashed."

Lincoln smirked. He hadn't done it, but his mate Jason had.

"You think it is funny?" snapped Greggs, losing his patience. "We'll take you back to your parents now, and have this conversation there with them."

Lincoln couldn't have the Police bringing him home. Ray would go nuts.

"Leave my parents out of it" said Lincoln, eyeing Greggs darkly.

"Afraid not" said Luca, "We can't let you stay out here this late on your own."

Lincoln was out of the swing in one movement and started to walk briskly away from the Police Officers.

They caught up with him swiftly and Greggs grabbed him back by the arm. Lincoln struggled out of his grip.

"Don't touch me" he snapped.

Luca stood in front of him. "Hey, we aren't finished with you yet!"

"I'm finished with you"growled Lincoln, trying to step past Luca.

"Right that is it" snapped Greggs, "Arms above your head. We are going to search you."

"Why are you searching me? Are you arresting me?" said Lincoln, locking his fingers behind his head.

"Since you were last seen near an incident where a knife was involved, we are going to search you for weapons" snapped Greggs.

"I don't have any" sighed Lincoln, as Luca ran his hands along the front on Lincoln's body.

"Good, then you don't mind if we check"said Luca, going behind him and continuing the pat down.

Lincoln yelped as Luca's rough patting met with the stinging belt marks that Ray had given him earlier.

Luca stopped at once.

"What is wrong with your back?"

Tears formed from the pain, Lincoln wiped them away quickly and made something up. He looked at the floor as he spoke. "I just fell off my bike and landed on my back. It is still sore."

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