Prolog| The Dark Ring

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Long ago, a dark power ruled the galaxy. His name was Darth Saura, and he was the first Dark Side user. So consumed by the Dark Side was he, that he belonged to the Dark Side. He possessed great power, the likes of which none had ever seen, and would not be seen again for an age.

Deep within the fires of Mustafar, a planet that had been consumed by the power of the Dark Side, he forged a ring. The ring was a gold band with a black diamond on it. The diamond was a kyber crystal that had been buried in the ashes of Mustafar. So long had it been there that it was filled with the power of the Dark Side.

Around the black diamond, he carved into the gold these ancient words: The Dark Side shall rule, all light shall fade

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Around the black diamond, he carved into the gold these ancient words: The Dark Side shall rule, all light shall fade. The Jedi shall fall, the black diamond shall call them. The ring shall find them and in Darkness Bind Them.

With the power of the Dark Side and of the Dark Ring, Darth Saura brought a dark rule upon the galaxy. It was a dark, desolate time for the galaxy, a time of war when peace was nothing but a memory that faded as quickly as the leaves in autumn.

But still, in the midst of all that darkness, a spark of light remained, and with it hope. The darkness was strong, but it was a fleeting thing, even shadows must fade.

The Jedi rallied their forces and went to Mustafar to battle Darth Saura and his army.

Finally a young Jedi took his lightsaber and cut one of Darth Saura's fingers off. His finger fell to the charred earth and the ring with it. The young Jedi stabbed his lightsaber into Darth Saura's chest and he fell, dead.

The young Jedi bent down to pick up the Dark Ring, intending to destroy it and end the evil once and for all. But as he looked at the ring, he felt called to the Dark Side.

His master told him to throw the ring into the fires of Mustafar, but the young Jedi would not be parted with the Dark Ring. He kept it for himself.

Over time the ring's power consumed him, and he became Darth Plagueis.

Years went by and the ring was passed from hand to hand, each time consuming it's bearer with the power of the Dark Side.

But the power of the Dark Side was not the only thing that was bound to the ring, the spirit of Darth Saura endured. His spirit was bound to the ring just as the Dark Side was. Each time the ring was used, Darth Saura grew in strength and power, until at last he began to regain his physical form.

He called himself Snoke, hoping that no one would see through his pretense. But he quickly discovered that it was not necessary, for none who lived remembered him or his true name.

He had the ring in his possession, but he had not yet regained his full strength. His physical form was weak and frail, it barely functioned. But his mind, spirit and power in the Force were strong, strong enough to lead his new army: the First Order.

Still there were things he needed a physical form, so until he could regain his power, he used Kylo Ren as his pawn to fight his enemies. He knew that Ren had a weakness for the girl, but he did not foresee that his weakness for her would also become his strength. That because he had compassion for her, he would be able to defeat him.

But he would not be so easily destroyed.

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