Deadly Project

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It has a week since the A team and Viggo's men have left an they on their way to return. While they were gone, Viggo Hiccup Gobber and Fishlegs have been working on a contraption to fire changwing acid.

Fishlegs: we need to find something changwing acid can't melt through or this won't work.

Viggo: a few weeks before I made the offer to you we were trying to find the very same thing so you couldn't sink our ships. Trouble is I don't thing anything is that strong.

Hiccup: remember when we were at outcast island.

Fishlegs: yeah and their iron bars were able to resist the acid.

Hiccup: exactly. Fishlegs go to outcast island and get as much of that metal that Alvin can spare and bring it back her.

Fishlegs: on it.

Viggo: Hiccup I'm not following.

Hiccup: the iron bars that Alvin used on his cells and walls is the only we know that changwing acid can't melt through.

Viggo: well let's get to work on the designs shall we.

Hiccup nods as he and Viggo go to work.

A few hours later Fishlegs had finally arrived with the metal. Meanwhile Hiccup and Viggo had figured out how to shoot the changwing acid.

Viggo: hiccup that's ingenious.

Hiccup: now all we need is changwing acid.

Viggo: how do you propose we get it.

Hiccup: I was hoping you knew something on that end.

Viggo smiles and heads to get his men

Fishlegs: Hiccup I got the metal.

Hiccup: great Fishlegs take it to Gobber and help him melt it down and poor in into the mold. GOBBER HELP FISHLEGS!

Meanwhile with Viggo.

Viggo: fire.

Hiccup: Viggo what are you doing.

Viggo: seeing if the dragon nip catapult works.

Hiccup: that's a pretty good idea.

Viggo: fire.

The hunters fire dragon nip at a pack of wild nadders.

Viggo: well looks like everything is ready.

Hiccup: agreed. You ready. Viggo nods.

Hiccup: to changwing island.

Hiccup Viggo Astrid and the twins head with some hunters to changwing island.
On the way.

Tuffnut: hey Hiccup.

Hiccup: yes Tuff.

Tuffnut: do you actually have a plan when we attack Johann.

Hiccup: we aren't attacking tuff.

Tuffnut: don't you think we should.

Ruffnut: yay that way we can sink more ships so he don't have that many.

Hiccup: that's actually not a bad idea. Viggo do you know where he hides his fleet.

Viggo: yes I do and I know the quietest way in their.

Hiccup: we should call all the chieftains and decided what to do.

Viggo: agreed. But for now let's focus on the task at hand.

The gang arrive at changwing island and start setting up the catapults.

Hiccup: Viggo do you know how to get the acid.

Viggo nods as he heads to the changwings to get the acid they need.
After hours of fighting hiding and delicate work the finally get what they came for and head back to Berk.

Fishlegs: Hiccup we got the metal ready to test.

Hiccup: great Fishlegs let's go.

A few minutes later.

Fishlegs: oh my Thor it works.

Hiccup: I know Fishlegs my cracked ribs and I are happy to see that.

Fishlegs: sorry just very excited.

Hiccup: let get all these ready and then we will go scout out for Johann's fleet.

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