" Shhhhh honey now is not the time to talk about that cant you see he has a new partner here with him, you will make him feel uncomfortable" I bow my head down to my lap feeling the lump in my throat and feeling so pissed off at what my mother just said. I try so hard to hold back my tears that I feel Baekhyun's hand touch my thigh making me look towards him as he gives me a wink and a gentle smile making me smile too. 

Dinner finally arrives and shuts my mother up from saying anything more about my past. "So Baekhyun, how did you two meet?" my father asked him making me near choke on my chicken.

"H....he....he works with a friend of mine and we met at a club Dad" I feel the sweat start on my back and I'm sure I felt a few drops hit the table from my forehead.

"I'm sure Baekhyun can speak for himself son" my dad leans his head to the side smiling while continuing to eat. I turn to look at baekhyun with pure fear in my eyes, I can see him holding back a laugh making me more annoyed.

"Yes sir, like Chanyeol said we met in a club, I knew his friend Heechul so he invited me along for drinks" my body is shaking that much I must look like I am having a seizure, it feels like the shirt under my jumper is sticking to my back with sweat.

"Ah so you met my son there and let me guess it kinda started from there" My dad smirks knowing full well I hate when he does this.

"Well sir we spoke that night and a few days later he got up the courage to ring me" baekhyun holds my hand on the table making my mother and father coo.

"Oh isn't that sweet our chanyeol making the first move finally in his life" my mum smiles at me but deep down I know she was never happy with me, she always hounded me to stand on my own two feet even though I had a job, car and apartment it was never enough, she wanted me married and to be the perfect son, when I came out I was gay she got so upset that she wouldn't have grandbabies, then when I told her I was getting married she was over the moon and offered to pay for it and was proud I was finally making a life for myself.

I feel baekhyun squeeze me hand and bring me back to reality.

"Baby your mum asked you a question" baekhyun smiles an awkward smile and grips my hand tighter.

"Sorry mom, what was the question?"

"Mom asked you would you be ok with you know who coming to the wedding and being my future hubby's  best man" Yoora squeaks at the idea of herself getting married and having the life she always wanted.

Turning to face Baekhyun I search his eyes for answers but all he does is give me a gentle smile.

"Of course I will be ok. It's your big day. That's the only reason I am here" I feel a lump in my throat and my eyes start to fill.

"Well that's good to hear darling as we can't have you making a scene at your sisters wedding now can we" my mother let's out a little giggle before sipping her wine.

My hands now grib around the napkin on my lap as I twist it and twist it till it won't anymore and till my hands are red raw.

"Please excuse me" I push back my chair and stand up to the shocked look of my family.

"Oh chanyeol darling don't go crying off now sit and finish your dinner, the wedding celebrations are going to go on for 5 days you will need to control your emotions" my mom looks stern at me. "I just need the bathroom mom" I look towards baekhyun before leaving.

Reaching one of the many bathrooms in this enormous place I use to call home, I hurry inside and close the door. Taking off my glasses I cup some water and throw it on my face. When I hear a knock at the door.

"Chanyeol it's me" I hear a soft voice making me open the door.

"Hey are you ok?" Baekhyun steps inside, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah I'm ok, just my mom bringing up shit from my past" I throw more water on my face while he hands me a towel to dry myself.

"Is your mom like this all the time?" He questions me while he sits down on the lid of the toilet.

"Yeah she is usually like this with me and yoora but since her daughter's life is perfect in her eyes she just moved it all onto me instead" I throw the towel in the hamper and place my glasses back on while checking myself in the mirror.

"This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought" I take a deep breath and open the door to the laughs of my family down the hall making me freeze.

"Hey are you ok?" Baekhyun asks me because I just suddenly stopped.

"It can't be .... It just can't be " I stutter hearing the voice I haven't heard in year. 

"Ok Chanyeol you wanna tell me" Baekhyun looks at me with concern in his eyes. 

"He is here in that room" I lean up against the wall feeling like my whole insides are going to fall out my ass.

"He, as in your ex fiance?" Baekhyun runs his fingers through his hair looking around

"Ok take your jumper off" he grabs the helm of it pulling it up. "Wait what are you doing?" I stop his hand from taking my top off further.

"Just take your jumper off you have a top on underneath" he pulls the top of making me panic leaving me in just a shirt.

"I have sweat up the back, yes what a nice look to have for my ex" he spins me around to look at my back "your ok there is no sweat, now we just open a top button" he pops open my top button and moves back to look at me "Ok good now your ready to face him" he hides my jumper behind a huge vase in the hallway and stands close to me

"You ready, now take my hand as if your leading me into the room" he holds out his hand as I take it

"Why" I look at him puzzled. "Trust me it looks less awkward and it will show him you call the shots in our relationship, think of it as me being the girl and you being the gentleman showing me off" he smiles as we walk into the dining room.

I freeze seeing him again in so long.

"Ah look Chanyeol is back" my mother moves closer to him making my stomach wanna heave after all these years she can still be nice to him after everything he did to her son.

"Chanyeol nice to see you again" he smiles at me with that beautiful smile I fell in love with all those years ago.

"Hi D.O"



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