Chapter Three - Breakfast In Mr.William's Bed

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Its been almost two weeks since Rosaline has been hired as a live in house maid. The house itself has been quite easy to clean, despite how large the house is. But Patrick has been making sure that she has plenty of dishes to clean. Its a warm sunny day, and Rosaline has just woken up and goes to put on her uniform.

As she puts on her dress, she notices that its slightly tight around the mid section. "Woah. I guess I have been putting on a few pounds. I wonder if theirs a weight scale somewhere.", Rosaline enters the bathroom to find a scale in one of the cabinets...

125?. I've gained 15 pounds...well, that's not that bad. Actually, I kinda needed to put on a bit of weight. I just wished that it didn't all go to my mid section." She says as she pokes at her belly, making it jiggle like jello.

Just then, Patrick shouts from the kitchen, " Oh Ms.Rosaline, can you please come down to the kitchen for a second?" "Alright. Im coming down now." Rosaline says. As Rosaline walks down the stairs, she notices that the small bulge that it now her belly is bouncing each step down.

She walks into the kitchen to see Patrick standing next to a table with 10 pieces of thick bacon, 6 hash browns, 8 scrambled eggs smothered in cheese, and a nice tall stack of pancakes practically drenched in syrup. "It seems that I made way too much food then I thought I did. Would you please be a dear and take care of this food the way you usually do?" Patrick says with a grin. Rosaline looks down at her gut and says, "I'm not sure if I should. My uniform has been starting to get slightly snug on me since you've been making me eat like this." "Oh nonsense! I think you're looking wonderful this morning. Now don't let this food go to waste....I just won't let you.", Patrick says in a rather serious tone. Then he starts to laugh it off like it was a silly joke or something.

Patrick sits Rosaline down and she starts to eat. Starting with the most lightest food, the hash browns. Rosaline finishes them off with no problem. Then she gets to the bacon. "God I love this bacon! You're such a great cook Patrick!" She says as she chows down with the juice of the bacon dripping down her mouth. "Hehe. Well I did take a few culinary classes a few years back.", he says back. Patrick can't help but stare at her as she gorges on the food he cooked. He eyes down to her belly, seeing that its gotten a bit swollen already.

Rosaline then starts eating the pancakes, worried that the syrup was going to make the pancake soggy. They are however the most filling food on the table. Rosaline slows down halfway though the pancakes. She then attempts to eat the big cheesy plate of scrambled eggs but only makes it one fourth way down before leaning back and starting to go into a food coma.

"Hey. Don't quit now Rosaline. Let me help you." He says as he grabs the fork and begins to feed her himself. He looks down at Rosaline's overstuffed belly and couldn't help but to get erect. At this point, Rosaline is so stuffed, she can barely think. All she can do is lean back in the chair. Patrick couldn't resist any longer. He sits right next to Rosaline and starts to rub her aching belly. Her belly is hard and more swollen than ever before but still, the bottom of her belly was quite squishy. He then leans up to kiss her soft, bacon dripped lips.

"Hey Rosaline? I forgot there's theirs a sausage you need to clean, but it's actually upstairs in my bedroom. Are you up for that?", Patrick asks. Rosaline nods and Patrick helps her up the stairs and they enter Mr.William's bedroom.

*part 4 soon. Ps, Sorry for the wait, I've been hecka busy*

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