Chapter One: An Engagement

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"Can I have my hand back please?" said Brooklyn with a laugh.

Gregory ignored her and continued to admire her ring. "You said yes, right?"

Brooklyn smacked him playfully. "I'm wearing the ring, aren't I?"

"Good, because if you didn't I'd snatch him up for myself."

"And what about poor Kevin?"

Her friend looked up at her with a blank stare. "Who?" he said, before bursting out in laughter that ended with a sigh. "Even though Stephen rivals with Kevin's good looks, I'll bet my life savings that he cannot cook like my man."

Having been over for dinner many times now, Brooklyn nodded in agreement. "I hate to admit it, but your right."

"Are you going to keep me hanging, or are you going to tell me how he proposed?"

Brooklyn smiled and stared off into space with a dreamy look on her face as she remembered the other night. "It was so simple, and so thoughtful." She looked at Gregory. "He recreated our second date."

"Why the second date?" he asked, confused. "Wouldn't he recreate the first one, if at all?"

Brooklyn shook her head with a smile, cherishing the secret of the second date's importance before sharing it. "The second date, he wanted to surprise me and panicked and ended up choosing to take me to the movies. I was disappointed and he noticed so he admitted he had planned a night on his yacht but doubted his decision because I didn't seem to be about all of that. Which was true. So I had told him to do what was special for him." Brooklyn paused.


"And he took me to his office. Said that it was where he worked but also where he went to find peace. It has an amazing view of the city and he ordered Chinese takeout and we talked. Then we ended up going to the movies."

"Wow. So normal, but still so, romantic."

"I know right?"

"So he recreated that night, and?"

"And what?" Brooklyn looked at Gregory innocently."

"Oh my god! When and how did he pop the question?"

A few people looked over at them, annoyed with Gregory's dramatics.

Brooklyn giggled. "Oh, right. That." She tried to tame her smile. "Well we did go to the movies. And, he insisted we sit through the credits out of respect for the cast and crew. I thought that was weird because we never sit through the credits. Then at the end, a video came on and he proposed to me via the big screen. I was so caught up in what he was saying that I never turned to look at him. When it finished, and I finally looked at him, he was," Brooklyn stopped and laughed, "he was kneeling, holding out this ring. You know how he is about his suits and there he was, kneeling in popcorn. It's not like I didn't believe it before, but that moment confirmed that he truly loves me."

Gregory sighed. "Wow," he breathed. "I'd never mess up a pair of Armani dress pants for anyone."

Brooklyn nodded then looked down at what was left of her poached egg. "I don't think I'll ever be able to deserve him," she said, knowing Gregory would know what she was talking about.

He gave her hand a squeeze. "Brook, you were young."

Biting her lip, Brooklyn nodded and did her best to stop the tears that were threatening to run down her cheeks.

"So, we're going to say fuck it with conventionality and you're making me, Man of Honor. Oh! And please let Kevin cater at least your engagement party. You are having one? Right? It would do wonders for his new catering business."

"Yes, yes, and yes." Brooklyn said, appreciating his attempt to change the subject. She took a sip of her mimosa and sat back in her chair. So much had changed and she couldn't believe she was sitting there, eager about her future and discussing her wedding over brunch.

"I'm proud of you, Brook," said Gregory, as if hearing her thoughts. He was strangely good at reading people, especially Brooklyn after almost five years of friendship.

Brooklyn smiled. "Thanks, Gregory. And thank you for everything. I don't know how I would have come out of it all without you."

He shrugged. "You wouldn't have. So, same time next week?"


They paid their bills and bid each other goodbye. Brooklyn took the taxi to Stephen's work. He was expecting her at one. She walked in with confidence. After five years, everyone knew who she was. Although the respect was nice, she wished it wasn't because of who she was seeing and yearned to earn her own someday. She took the elevator up and the receptionist greeted her. They changed often and one thing they knew, was to never question her presence.

"Steph?" she said, opening her fiance's office door.

"Brook! You're here!"

She smiled. "Didn't you want me here at one?"

Stephen checked his phone. "Is it one already?"

He seemed bothered by it but Brooklyn knew better than to ask.

Stephen got up and grabbed his jacket to put it on. "It's been hectic," he said, kissing her quickly.

"So, why did you want me to come by if you're so busy?" she teased.

"I have a graduation present for you."

"Steph, you didn't have to. Really. Me graduating is my present," she said, referring to the fact that he had paid for her studies. Whenever Brooklyn felt guilty, Stephen would always say it was an investment. A little more than four years after the first conversation about her going to school, she had earned her bachelors in international business and had graduated with honors.

Ignoring Brooklyn's protests, Stephen led her through the maze of hallways to where the smaller offices were. He stopped in front of one.

Brooklyn ran her fingers across the brushed metal nameplate. "Brooklyn Vera," she whispered.

"I know the last name is a bit preemptive but why waste money to change it in a few months."

"A few months?"

Stephen pulled her into his arms. "I'm going to do this while it's still not considered inappropriate," he joked. "But I want us to get married as soon as humanly possible."

"You want me to work here? For you?"

Stephen pulled away to look at her. "I know it was a big assumption on my part. But I'm looking to start doing business internationally and..."

"That's my major," Brooklyn said with a smile.

"Exactly. I brought on Gary Barnard. He has a lot of experience and I want him to mentor you. You can learn so much from him." Stephen leaned in to whisper in her ear. "His job will be yours when you're ready."

Brooklyn poked his ribs. "A bit nepotistic don't you think?"

"Only if you're not qualified. Now can I show you your office or are you going to turn down this amazing job offer?"

"I want to see it," she said sheepishly. The view was no where near as nice as his and the floor to ceiling window was relegated to the far corner of the office. It was really only big enough to let in some natural light. The office itself was small with a functional desk and computer, waiting for her. A small, black modern sofa was on the wall opposite her desk and perpendicular to the window. Brooklyn could already imagine herself spending late nights working and laying down on the sofa to take a quick break while enjoying a similar view to the one she had come to love through Stephen's office.

"What do you think?"

"I love it." Brooklyn turned to give Stephen a hug and a kiss. "I hope I'll make you proud."

"You already have. I wish I could stay but I really have to get back to work. Look around, try out the chair for size," he said with a wink.

"I'll see you tonight then." She took his face in her hands and looked him in his beautiful, kind brown eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Vera." 

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