Become Her's

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Few days goes by without much of a problem, Leeteuk would like to thanks to the miracle amulet that given to them. Variety show was a success for them in this few days without Yesung nor Kyuhyun were taken over by the spirit insides them thought Woojin did come out once in while but it was the opposite for Ga-in. The spirit never once surface using Yesung’s body.

It was finally their day off where they decide to have their own plan for 3 days straight. Some were already gone back to their dear family and some just lazing around in the dorm. Ryeowook were busying himself cooking for their early lunch after being pursuit by the hungry Eunhyuk. Together with Kangin who helping him, he manage to finish before 12. Satisfied with his work, he went on to call the other to have lunch with the left members. The only one who left with them were Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk and Donghae.

During the lunch, they were chatting and having fun while catching up with each other for their solo schedule. 

“So where’s Yesung-hyung?” ask Kyuhyun curiously. Ryeowook squiting hs eyes while looking at the maknae suspiciously.

“What?”said Kyuhyun.

“Nah, I thought you are Woojin at the moment. ‘Where’s my dear wife’” mocked Ryeowook in his deep voice. It become a normal thing by now for them whenever Woojin resurface to ask for his wife. Kyuhyun scoffed and pouted, feeling triggered by the mocking.

“Just kidding. He went to check on his cafe and will be back probably after 3pm. We worried for him too, that’s why we ask Jongjin to report everything to us.” reply Ryeowook, chuckling at the relief maknae.

The other just smile at the maknaes antic, it had been few days since they become more laid back and less worried for the lead vocal.

A phone ringing distract their conversation, it was Kangin’s phone.



“Ah yes hyung. We here. You finish your date already? That was fast.”

Few shouts can be heard blaring from Kangin’s phone. Kangin chuckled,feeling satisfied mocking the diva.

“Yeah. Just joking. Okay. We are at dorm 11 so come hang out here.


“4pm? Okay,see you then.” Kangin hang up after the diva finish his talk. The other know well who was the caller judging from the cursive scream.


Donghae and Kyuhyun wasting their time by playing games while mocking at each other skills. It was one of a headache to even stay in the same room with the two brats who won’t give in to each other, Ryeowook decide to went upstairs to hang out in his own room, left Kangin and Eunhyuk who just doing the own stuff.

The games duels went on for another 2 hours, without realizing it was almost dawn. Feeling bored by the hyung lack of skills, Kyuhyun decide to turn off the game and went on to disturb the members who already come back few hours ago.

He peak through his shared room to see Sungmin where tidying up his own stuff. Being the snarky brat he is, he went on to surprise the poor bunny who’s back were  facing towards him.


A high pitch scream where disrupted, making the members who was busying with their own business rushed to the sounds of the scream.


“Ahh, why you hit me,Hyung!” shout Kyuhyun, protesting the violence given to his head.

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