Poor Boy

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One hour later they all arrive at their destination and soon were reunite with the others to check on their stage for the supershow. After some tired and whining moment of making sure everything went well, Leeteuk finally letting the members to check in the hotels and getting their rest.

It was a tradition to keep the same pairing for their roommates but this time Leeteuk insist in change it for some of the members, especially for Kyuhyun and Yesung.

“Hyung, it’s okay. I still can be with Kyuhyun in the same room. It’s not like we gonna start killing each other.” said Yesung casually which successfully earning a scowl from the said leader.

Shaking his head while pinching his nose bridge, the headache start to make their way into his brain. Leeteuk just giving the younger a silent ‘no’ and push Siwon into Yesung’s room.

“It’s okay hyung, I’ll take care of him.” said Siwon with a bright smile that manage to wipe all Leeteuk anxiety away.

Yesung snorted at them as he make his way into the room and start to pack out his night attire. Thought he appreciate their concern, it was become more annoyed as  he wasn’t used to all the affection. Moreover, he can’t remember a thing from his dream that day that make him more frustrated to the point he ignore almost all the member after the flight end.

Siwon watch as Yesung angrily pulled out his clothes and put it on the bed, frowned by the sudden change in the older. He ignore it as he thought the older just suffer from a small jetlag like usual. But unbeknown to him, something inside the older indeed change and will be one hell of a sudden.


3 am, three hours before they need to get ready for a short rehearsal, the members were still in their deep slumber. Except for the lead vocal who seems too disturbed by something.

Somewhere near the corner of the room, there, stood something. Too dark to make out what was it but to Yesung, it was one hell of a thing.

He look to his side to another bed, Siwon was sleeping soundlessly, too deaf to the awaken world. He begin to tear up as he saw the ‘something’ begin to move in most unnatural way, swaying it’s head left and right, as if ‘it’ was mocking the wide awake Yesung.

Feeling too scare by the thing, he cover almost up to his head by the blanket. ‘This is not real!’ thought him, again and again. Feels like few minutes has past, he peeking from his ‘hiding’ to see the thing was gone. 

Feeling more relief with the ‘it’ absent, he pull the blanket off his face and sit straight up, feeling to awake to fall asleep. Sometimes he hate his insomnia to even exist at the moment. He’s feeling too jetlag from the early flight but the ‘thing’ had to make him to scare to fall asleep.

‘Is it really gone?’

He darted his eyes everywhere, just to make sure the thing won’t come back. Huffed in relief, he felt the need to go to the toilet. As he was about to stand from the bed, he felt something brushed at his feet. Looking own, he saw no shoes or a slippers to even give of the cold shudder.

Trying to stand again but he felt another touch but now it was from behind his back. He was too shock to even move as what he assume as a hand start to caress his hair in soft manner.

Whimper, it was all he can do as another thing land itself on his shoulder, this time, he sure it was a ‘head’.

“My poor little boy…”

The presence whisper softly in his ear, it was hoarse and eerie, enough to send him into a great shiver. Tears are pricking down from his orb, he clench his eyes close. Dealing with it was too much for him, he can’t even move, all weight were put on his shoulder marking him into his spot unfazed.

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