Hurtful Dream

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“Woah. Hyung, you look like crap. Can’t sleep?” Shindong saw Yesung were sitting on his bed with his heavy eye bag.

He look up to find Shindong looking at him with worried face. “Emm… I feel pain everywhere… my head’s hurt..” said Yesung while groaning between his words. 

Yesung pulled of his shirt to change into a fresh one but Shindong stopping him half way.

“yah hyung! Your back look worst! Did Kyuhyun manage to scratch you last night?” said Shindong frantically.

“Scratch? Ky---”

“Hyung?” Shindong ask when Yesung all of sudden stop talking.

Few minutes past then Yesung look at him. “Yeah. I forgot to tell you… now I remember. Can you put ointment for me?” said him,smiling softly to the younger.

Shindong weird out by Yesung reaction but went to the living room nevertheless to fetch an ointment. The scratch went from his shoulder blade to his waist,enough to make the younger worried to death.

“Wow,that’s a big scratch!” said Donghae curiously who following Shindong into Yesung’s room. Donghae word enough to alarm Kyuhyun who were walking towards the kitchen.

He curiously peeking through the door and saw Yesung’s bruise neck. He went into the room much to alarm Yesung who shocked to see him there.

“Sorry hyung… I didn’t know what happen… sorry.” mumble Kyuhyun while looking at all the bruises Yesung had.

Yesung saw how sorry the younger is and soften his expression. He ruffled the younger hair and smiles at him. “It’s okay. You not yourself. Let’s go breakfast, we finished right,Shindong?”

Shindong nod at the older and put off the ointment away to join them at the breakfast.

Breakfast was awkward with Yesung trying his hard not to wincing from his pain. The other look at him with pity, they were glad that the older had the day off but they know one day weren’t enough for him to heal one night.

Kyuhyun keep muttering his apologize timidly whenever Yesung groaning but were comforted by Leeteuk who sit next to him. 

Once they finish eating Leeteuk send Eunhyuk who half conscious about his surrounding and Yesung to the top floor. Kyuhyun who begin to feel better when to the living room to watch the television with Siwon.

He look at the older once in a few minute. He was hesitate to tell about his dream but he know Siwon will listen to him no matter what.

“Hyung.. can I tell you something?”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Hyung, last night I dream about something. In that dream I was someone else and I was holding onto someone while crying. You remember the name that were mention that night?”

“Woo something and Gain.. I think its--”

“Ga-in. It was a girl…”

“You dream about her? So she possessed you?!”

“I don’t think it was her. Because as I said I was someone else and hold onto her. She’s dead as I was crying and scream, calling her as ‘dear’(yeobo) I don’t know what to do…”

“Hemm… does that mean ga-in is a wife and possibly… you were the husband in that dream... wait is it okay you to say this? What if..”

“I think it’s okay. I feel more me now. For some reason after few days of feeling worst, I’m feeling the best today. You guys believe it wasn’t me attacking Yesung-hyung right?”

Ouija Suju ✅ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon