I think a mint green jumpsuit will do and some black strapped hills.

Nothing to crazy but nothing too causal .

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed me a bottle of wine and a glass.
Turned the lights off and lit some candles.

I ran me a bubble bath. Tonight I was going to treat myself.

I slipped my foot into the tub and the water was hot but felt so good.

I submerged my body in and let it relax me.

I took a sip from my wine glass.

And slipped into darkness.

I woke up to birds chirping and stretching out in my bed with my silk robe on.

Not sure how I got here but at least I didn't sleep in the bathtub until the morning.

I got up and made my bed and breakfast.

After breakfast I got dressed for work.

Stefanzo didn't call me like he use to every morning. I started to regret even going through with this plan.

I locked up everything and headed out the door to be greeted by my neighbor Calvin.

"Hey Celia." He said.

"Hey Calvin."

"Your never gave your friend my number did you?" He said blowing out smoke from him mouth.

"I did and to be honest she thought you were a creep." I responded.

"I figured I just wish she could give me a chance to see what kind of guy I am. " he said.

A idea popped in my head and I'm not sure if I was trying to be funny or be the ultimate matchmaker like she's been to me.

"Tonight me and her and a guy friend we went to school with are going out to eat and honestly Calvin you been my neighbor for some years now this could be your chance. " I suggested.

"You said tonight?" He looked at me instantly .

"Yep at 6 I'll give the address."

"Say less." He rushed into the house.

I laughed to myself as I headed into my car.

After work I decided to drive to my mom's house for the first time after the trip. I pulled up to the house and got out.

I rung the door bell and it quickly swung open I was relieved to see my dad.

"Hey daddy." I ran into his arms like a child again.

"Hey princess about time you showed up how was your trip." My dad hugged and said to me as we walked towards to living room.

Mom was slaving over the stove as usual.  She could throw down and she knew it. 

She turned around and noticed my bracelet.

"Well what's this?" She began smiling.

"Lavern." Dad shot a look at her.

"Oh sweetie I missed you I'm sorry. " she hugged me.

"I missed you too mom." I chuckled.

I sat down at the island and we started talking about my trip.

"Did you dress right? " mom asked.

"Because I heard it was cold out there and I don't need you getting sick." She continued.

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