Chapter 2

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"Omg" I squealed and jumped into his arms.

"Hey baby girl it's so good to see you. " my father said to me.

My mother and father separated a couple of months back but refused to get divorced. 

Sometimes you just need a break from someone to give them a chance to miss you ,Visa versa.

He handed me a box.

"Come on open it up." His smile widened showing his wrinkles.

I opened the box and in there was a rose necklace on a gold chain.

"Oh daddy this is beautiful thank you so much." My eyes began to get glossy as I hugged my old man.

My dad was a great father figure . He really gave a good representation of a Black Man notice the m.

"Let me put it on you CeCe." He came around as I lifted my hair up he clamped the ends together and I viewed it in the hallway mirror.

"It's so pretty daddy I love it." I smiled ear from ear like I was 10 again.

"Whoever is at my door needs to formally introduce themselves instead of standing there." Mom yelled from the kitchen.

I helped daddy with the bags as we walked into the kitchen.

You would have thought my mother seen a ghost the way she looked at my father.

"Hey Lavern ." He put on his deep husky voice that he knew my mother would die for.

Trying to keep character she attempted  to remain unbothered.

"Bernard." She said looking away from him.

It was obvious she missed him and here I was taking it all in like a little sponge admiring.

He handed her a bouquet of a variety of beautiful flowers since he knew mom loved to garden.

"I didn't know which one you liked the most but I do remember you telling me a few so I just got them ."

"Oh Bernard you didn't."she began to smile.

"I missed you so much I had to see your face."he said extending his arms for a hug.

She hesitated but then embraced him.

"Awww." I said

It was foolish to think these two weren't meant to be.

If I ever get a love it would have to be in the mold of my parents.

"I didn't mean to barge in on you two ladies but we're a family and y'all all I got. " he almost got choked up but caught himself.

" with that said I bought some wine a couple of good ol' fashion board games and our favorite movie "Down in the Delta and thought it'd be the perfect time to spend together. " Daddy said pulling the stuff out the bag.

"I think it's a great idea right before I take my trip I can spend my time with the two people I love." I smiled.

"Oh why not." My mother threw her hands up.

We drunk our wine and played monopoly in the dining room. Daddy beat me and momma again for the thousandth time already and I honestly believe he's cheating.

We laughed and reminisced on the good old days.

"I remember when Celia was just a little old thing running around the house with nothing on but a saggy diaper." My mom laughed and dad joined in.

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