Chapter 8

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This chapter may be sensitive to some readers proceed reading with caution.

"I just wish you would have told me sooner." I stood there helping Renae clean up the games and mugs.

Everyone had pretty much left besides me Renae and Stefanzo.

"I'm going to go call the cars for us to get back to the cabin." Stefanzo said walking away giving us alone time.

"Celia I wanted to tell you I really wanted to honestly. I just couldn't find the right time to do it." She looked at me.

"I wouldn't have been so aggravating and difficult if I had known."

"I don't think anything as worse as cancer can stop you from being aggravating. " she laughed.

"Well everything is going to be alright right? You're going to do chemo and it'll be gone in no time." I said placing the mugs in the dishwasher.

She shook her head no.

"What do you mean no." I walked over to her.

"I found out 3 months ago about it but I've had it for about 6 months and its moving rapidly from being untreated. " she exhaled.

"So what are you saying." My nose started to burn.

"I could go through chemotherapy and try it but the doctor said it's already spreading to my blood and sooner or later it'll attack my organs." She grabbed my hand seeing I was becoming weak.

"So you're saying it's too late basically and ..." my throat felt like it was closing up and I couldn't say words only air escaped.

"I have about three to three and half  years to live. " she forced a half smile while embracing me.

"Oh my god." I finally said and tears fled down my face .

I was beyond hurt my dearest best friend who I've known since middle school is going to be gone forever.

The only person that was there for me thoughout everything the one I could share all my secrets and all my concerns to.

Without her I don't think I could live in this cold cruel world.

I'd give anything to trade places with her for it to be me with the cancer. She was strong and I always admired that about her.

She was so sweet and never gave up on me and she's helped me even up until this point in life.

"I love you so much Renae."I cried holding her.

"I love you more Celia and I'll always confide in you . That's why I don't want you to tell anyone how long I have left to live."

"Renae that's a big thing to ask."

"I know it's alot but I need you to do this for me please." She looked at me.

"Okay." I nodded my head as she wiped my tears and rubbed my back.

"Go get your coat on so we can get back to the cabin. " she told me standing up to go to the bathroom.

I went into the dressing room and put on my coat and gloves and walked outside.

I stared at the stars in awe on how many there were.

"Hey you alright?" I felt arms wrap around my body and seen it was Stefanzo.

"Yea I will be." Letting a tear escape my face.

He wiped it and walked in front of me.

"I know how much she means to you and I know its disheartneing to see her go through that but.."

CeliaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin