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Trigger warning: abuse, homophobic slurs and a tiny bit of rape mentioning, don't read flashback if these trigger you.

"What do you mean? I thought you said dad was in Canada?!?" The red head beside me was clearly starting to panic. "He called this morning saying he was back."
"No! He doesn't get to do that! He can't leave then come back whenever he wants!"
"Eijirou please calm down." He mum pleaded
"Kiri," I attempted to calm him by putting my hand on his thigh. "Bakugou. Finish eating we NEED to go." His voice was sharp and sounded hurt. I looked at kiri then to his mum who just nodded.

I finished my food and we bid goodbye to kirishimas mum. Now here we are in his little red car with only the light hum of the radio to fill the silence. "Ei?" Although he didn't reply his body gave off he was listening. "What happened with your dad to make you freak out so much?"  Silence engulfed the car for a few minutes before he let out a light sigh. "My dad, He uh, well, he's not homophobic but he doesn't want my soulmate to be a man after what happened with my sister." Kirishimas face darkened at a hint of sorrow leaked into his crimson eyes.
"Am I allowed to ask what happened with your sister?" I didn't want to push but it just slipped out.
He thought for a few minutes and just as I was about to say never mind he opened his mouth. "Her soulmate was a girl. And that girl almost got my sister killed for being with her." I just looked at him in shock. "Well my sister and her soulmate met at a young age, say about 7, I can't exactly remember. Her and Trish  ,her soulmate, were constantly hanging out after they found out they were soulmates. For a few years everything was perfect. Then one day they decided to go to a pride parade."

-flashback in kiri's sisters POV-

"Are you sure Trishy?"
"It'll be fun! Please."
I sigh, how could I say no to her, "just this one, you know I hate public events."
Trish's face lit up as she tackled me in a hug. "Yay!!!" She was beaming "Get ready we leave in half an hour."
Trish only laughed and made her way to the bathroom.
I ended up wearing a rainbow singlet, red converse and denim short shorts. My black hair was hanging loosely at my shoulders. I examined myself in the mirror while Trish finished her hair. Unlike my mum I was quite tall and curvy, my skin was fair and my teethe perfect and white. Like Ei my most noticable feature were my large, piercing red eyes. "You look cute." Trish smiled.
"You too."
"Let's go then if your ready!" Anyone could hear the excitement beaming off her voice.

Within 10 minutes we were walking amounts a crowd of colours and flags. "Hey Trish I'll be right back I need to pee!" I yelled over the blasting music. I walked around in search of a bathroom until I found a small shop with some. I stepped in the bathroom and could immediately tell something was wrong. I was going to leave when the door behind me that lead back outside slammed shut. That's when I heard it. The sickening words "Don't leave so soon little girl."being whispered from behind me. I wanted to fight or scream but I froze up. The mans cold hand covered my mouth and he started playing with the hem of my shirt. "Your a fag. Don't worry I'll help. I'll fuck you straight." Without thinking I turned around and threw a punch that hit him straight in the nose. "Little bitch." He shoved me and my head hit the frosty surface of the concrete wall. My head was throbbing and I could tell I was bleeding. I couldn't move as he kept kicking my stomach. Then he stopped. I thought it was over. I thought he was going to leave. No. He began to undo his belt. Then mine. What came next was painful and with each sob broke me more and more.
Eventually he left, leaving me on the floor. I wanted to be dead. The shop owner found me half an hour later. Trish took me to the hospital. I didn't tell her what happened only that he hurt me. She didn't push anymore.

—end of flashback—

Eijirou stopped the car and I held him as he sobbed. I would never let anything like that happen to him. He cried for another twenty minutes. I drove us home. Made him hot coco and but on his favourite movie. Then I held him until he fell asleep.

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now