chapter 12

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Authors note I think this is my second time writing a kiss so apologises if it sucks.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." His words were quick and soft, anyone could tell the blonde was extremely flustered "Katsuki,"  Kirishima whispered placing a hand on bakugous cheek making the blonde look at him. They sat eyes interlocked for a few seconds before bakugou felt a soft pressure on his lips. Almost instinctively his crimson eyes fluttered shut and he melted into the kiss. His hand snaked around kirishimas back pulling the other closer and ever so slightly hardening ( pun intended;) ) the kiss. Unfortunately they did have to breathe causing them to pull apart. Katsuki opened his eyes soon after kirishima did the samr. Both boys equally flustered. "Wow." Bakugou only just heard the other whisper. Kirishimas face lit up like a Christmas tree with his trademark smile painted on it "I think I love you too Katsuki!" The red head beamed causing bakugous cheeks to redden for like the millionth time in five minutes. "We should probably head back soo-why are you staring at me?" "Huh? Oh nothing I uh just" "just what." Bakugou stared at kirishima as the red Boi took a deep breath. "Canikissyouagain?" He blurted out. Instead of a reply he got the other boys lips meeting his. Kiris red eyes sprung open in surprise before gently closing as he wrapped his arms around bakugous torso. This kiss was rougher and messy and to be honest kirishima found this kiss way hotter. Both boys mouths were slightly open but neither of them dared to take it any further. Bakugou was the one to pull away. "Let's go before the others notice were not on campus." He said standing up and sliding the helmet over his messy blonde hair. Kirishima just did the same being at a loss for words.

The boys got back on the bike and made it back to the dorms only getting a few glances  as they entered being as it was late and only a few people were up. Those people being none other than the Baku squad as mina called them. The Baku squad consisted of Kaminari, Mina, Sero and occasionally Jirou. "Where have you guys been?" Mina asked in her 'I know what you're up too' voice. "None of your fucking business pinky." Bakugou replied making his way to the elevator. "Fucking g'night shitty hair." The elevator door shut and the whole squad turned to kirishima. "Tell us everything."

Hope you liked just wanted to say thank y'all so much for all the positivity I'm getting and hope you all have a great Christmas. I won't be updating till after the 27th cause Christmas and stuff then boxing day I got me a date. Woop woop. Anyway thanks for reading and vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Max out.

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now