A World I Once Knew

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they both rolled their eyes and I said, "is that a thing all you and your friends do?" angel sighed and said "ok, so seeing Cody here helped you... can you help me? "Aiden nod and said, "ok what do you need this time?" she said "I'm looking for Carmella Blumberg or Lillie, Gloriana Finnafel, Mazikeen, Vicky" he started laughing and said, "why are you looking for them?" angel then said, " Fernando fucked with the wrong person."

he gave her a face that can only be decided as damn. he then said, " I can tell you where they are, but you will owe me." she smiled and said "oh, and how big is the owe you?" he smiled and said, "it's about 10 inches owe me." I then said "you're going to have sex with her for you to give us info on what we need. when I just gave you information that will help you greatly." he looked at me after checking angel out and said, "well mine is a lot hard to gather than yours." angel nod and said, "that was a lot of people." I leaned my head and said, "no that is bullshit!" angel then looked at me and said, "now, he is helping us so watch how you speak." I started fake laughing and said "hell no, she is not going to fuck you for shit. I mean the fucking nerve, and angel your fucking seriously siding with him too!" Aiden gave me a hateful face and said, "do you need my help out not?" I said "no!" as Angel said "yes." she then gave me a mean look. I yanked her away and said "you're not going to have sex with him for information we can easily get. there's probably another person that can help us." she shook her head and said, "look first you're not in charge of me and second we need the information on them to find them faster because we are running out of time before Fernando sending monsters to kill us."

I laughed and said "ok, you know what...

you choose right now. you have sex with him then I'm done, and we are going our separate ways. or we go on our own and find them a bit slower." Aiden walked up and said, "is it a deal? because I got to be going if not." angel looked into my eyes then at Aiden and said, "yes it's a deal." I nod and said, "as you wish." I turned around and started walking towards that ruins of the city as angel yelled something. I just kept walking I was royally pissed off. I mean she had a point but fuck the point I was pissed. it felt like she backstabbed me hard with a sword size of a building. I mean it hit deep. I just kept walking and they didn't stop me, which made me give times madder because there's fucking infected/zombies walking the fuck around in here. just the thought of them doing it still makes me mad to this day. I was now aimlessly wandering into buildings for no reason mumbling to myself until I fell through the old floor into. I landed on a stone floor, I slowly got up and looked to see that I fell maybe 8 feet. I could feel I am sore, but it was not much time after falling I saw a green light disappear behind a corner. I was confused about what the hell was green. I looked up to see I was not getting out and maybe the only way out is to follow the green light. so, I took a deep breath and slowly crept around the corner. I looked into the dark to find the green light, but it was not there. so, I aimlessly walked in the dark feeling the wall to make sure I was not going in cycles.

it then began to smell horrible, I mean I was coming close to a nest or feeding ground. but it then hit me, why is Aiden walking around. because it its 2025 Elizabeth would be underground until 100 more years. I paused to think about this because in my book they were trapped together until a few days after she woke up by the tunnels flooding. it then came to me hard like a train, I was in the tunnel which means infected are down here. and the smell must be them. I took another step forward and stepped on something hard. I thought it was a brink out of place or something, so I put all my weight on it. but it was a bone and the bone snapped and echoed through the tunnel. I took a deep breath and waited for floods of infected to kill me, but nothing happened I sighed in relief until I took my next step. I stepped on a sleeping infected. it then screamed and grabbed my foot. I started to kick but I fell over and tried to crawl away, but it grabbed me once more. I then started to hear more and more of them rushing with the splash of liquid and the sound of bones being kicked around.

I said "fuck" and kicked the infected in what I thought was its face was. it let me go but before I could get away, I saw others maybe 2 feet away. but I was panicking too much I didn't see that the green light was behind me which gave me the ability it sees them 2 feet away. I turned to see her. one of my creations. she was made to be in my roleplaying for a furry type of roleplay. but somehow some way she was in front of me in all her glowing glory.

of course glowing holy is a pun because she is glowing green. she looked at me then up at the infected and started to beat them with a stick that had metal on the ends of it. which took alot more effort to use a blunt weapon than a sharp so credit to her. but then again she is like part goat, wolf and human. so there's something she is good just good at. once she finished the last one off she walked to me and said "why are you down here human."I smiled and said "wow you more hot in person. I mean I'm not to much into furrys but d to the amn." she gave me a hateful look until her ears stood up and she picked me up and started running. I ran after her but she was fast. some how managed to keep up but I had tripped a fair mount of times. we was stopped by a flooded area, I looked at her and said I cant hold my breath that much."she rolled her eyes and dived in the water. as the green glow disappeared I started to get worried. I waited a few seconds as I then heard rushing water. I then noticed the green light was coming from a new tunnel that was where the water used to be. I then jumped down in a small pool of water which broke my fall. I looked at her and said "you let Elizabeth free. but your not spouse to until 100 years."she looked at me confused and said "what are you talking about." i stood up dripping wet with water at my knees and said "a rush of water moved rocks which trapped someone. " she nod and said "wouldn't that be a good thing though?" I shook my head and said "no because it's to soon. it throws off my story or this time line by 100 years.

she gave me another confused look and said "oh well, I guess some people will be early." it then hit me Elizabeth is free and I can warn her about everything. I darted down the tunnel even when it go to the point I couldn't see anymore. the girl was trying to keep up but somehow I was faster. I then saw a man cover was hole and shining down into the tunnel. I then saw guys dragging Elizabeth towards the ladder as a rope came down. the guy hold Elizabeth started wrapping the rope around her. I then yelled "stop motherfucker!" as I ran up stairs leading up to the bridge. he guy pulled out a gun but I didnt stop so he fired three shots. one in my right shoulder, one in my upper right thigh and third one was a miss. i tackled him making him, me and Elizabeth fall off the bridge onto the ground. the guy got up and aimed his gun and was about to finish me off but the wolf girl then hit his arm then his head with the stick kocking him out. I sighed and made my was to Elizabeth. I look over her body to see why she was not awake. I found a spot of blood on her neck. I wiped the blood to she they used a needle on her. it started to get cold in the tunnel for some reason. the wolf girl was looting the knocked out guy and took something off him. I tried picking up Elizabeth but I fell down because my legs got weak. I tried again and the wolf girl helped me not drop her. she took Elizabeth out of my hands after putting his stick on her back in some kind of holder. I then heard guys coming down the ladder, I looked at the wolf girl then Elizabeth and said "to go I'll hold them back for a while." I slowly made my way to the guys body, she then said "dont be dumb you will die if I leave you." i grabbed the guys gun and checked the ammo. it had six shots, I looked at her and said "I dont care go now. take her to safety now!" she gave me a mean look then nod as she began to run through the tunnel. I yelled "come on motherfuckers."I fired the pistol as my vision was blurry. they started to fire back and I continued to fire the gun until I heard the clock of no ammo left. I sighed and searched the guys body for some kind of weapon, but all he had left was a knife. I pulled the knife out of its holder located on his side. but soon as I turned around with it in my hand one of them had their gun aimed at my head with flash light on. the person holding the gun aimed at my face said "drop the knife and give up punk!" I looked at the black face beside the light and said "Dixie?" the other person then hit me with the back of the gun.

if my imagination can be realityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant