Chapter Ten:

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Chihiro watched as the spirit stormed past her and slowly dropped his body down into the tub.

"Ah, that's nice." he sighed heavily while closing his eyes. A grimace settled on Chihiro's face before she forced a smile and put her hands together preparing to interrupt the grumpy spirits moment of peace.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" She watched carefully as the spirit snorted loudly as if her help was the most ridiculous thing it had ever heard. Chihiro knew that most spirits didn't like the thought of humans, let alone getting help from a human. Silence settled for a moment until Chihiro cleared her throat expecting an answer; after all, it was her job to take care of the customer. The spirit seemed to reawaken at the sound and she watched as steam blew out of his nose.

"I don't need anything from a measly human!" Silence followed as the spirit huffed to himself; he had pulled up out of the water slightly when he had screamed at her. Chihiro didn't hold back her stare of disappointment, this spirit was even worse than the dinosaur looking one from when she had first arrived.

"Very well, if you need anything in the future please do hesitate to ask." she knew it was dangerous to play with words like she was; that it was dangerous for her to talk back to such a powerful spirit, but she had had enough of the younger brother's attitude. Chihiro turned to leave while the spirit was too stunned respond; maybe no one has ever spoken to him like that? Chihiro didn't care at the moment, her only objective was to get away from this mean spirit and get back to her duties.

"What are you even doing here; go back to where you belong!" She had almost done it, almost gotten away; but he just had to stop her. She blew out a breath before turning back towards the spirit with a straight face; she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how angry he was making her.

"This is where I belong; not that it is any of your business however." she stayed silent as the spirit began laughing loudly and obnoxiously. Personally Chihiro didn't mind being mocked; but his blatant disrespect was eating away at her resolve. Though she did find it interesting that as the younger brother laughed sparks flew out from his mouth; what kind of sickness did this spirit have?

"Humans don't belong here; you don't belong here. Why else do you think your kind fades away when exposed for too long; you're race is nothing but trouble." The spirit looked away from her dismissively; that was the very last straw for Chihiro.

"That's not true and you know it!" she glared deeply at him while he looked at her disbelieving. She didn't want to crack, didn't want to show the amount of disrespect to this spirit as he was to her; she wanted to be the better person.

"You think I'm wrong?-" the spirit paused as he turned his whole body towards her with a daring smile of his face; one that dared her to say anything against him. "Then riddle me this little human; if you humans aren't bad, then why have I watched your kind destroy the land around my mountain for centuries? Why am I now suffering for the doings of your people?"

Another round of silence followed as Chihiro's anger began to fade; she had forgotten that this grumpy spirit was indeed in pain. Now that she was hearing some of the reasoning of his pain she did feel bad; Chihiro couldn't help how the human race treats the spirit's land; it wasn't her fault that they were all connected to the human world.

"Perhaps I can help you if you explain some more. How have they been destroying the land around your mountain?" she was curious onto what this spirit could possibly mean; perhaps they were just building houses or tilling the land? She watched as the spirit shook his head and leaned back into the tub once again before closing his eyes.

"There's nothing you can do; you can't help me, no one can." the sadness in his voice was the only reason Chihiro didn't push for a response at that moment. Sweat dripped down from her forehead making her realize the odd temperature change in the building. The Bathhouse was normally very humid and warm, but it was HOT and humid; it was getting hard for her to breathe.

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