Jacob shared a look with his pack members and nodded, making up his mind, "Alright we're in."

   "No." Hunter and Bella immediately jumped. If there was one thing they didn't want, it was Jacob and his friends dying for something they have no business with. "You'll get yourselves killed. No way." Bella finished, her face falling seriously.

   "I wasn't asking for your permission." Jacob told them both. Hunter huffed and took a step back. Her mood on everything was changing, like she was seeing the worst in every decision.

Bella scoffed and looked to her boyfriend, "Edward?"
He tore his concerned eyes away from Hunter and turned to Bella, "It means more protection for you."

Hunter's face was red with supressed rage. There was too many people at risk, not to mention she had to somehow hide Winston from all of this. She couldn't handle the pressure of protecting herself and so many others too.

   "Jacob, do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asked him. Jacob couldn't fight the grin that grew onto his face, a blissful thought coming to mind, "As long as we get to kill some vampires."

Edward's eyes squinted, his earing automatically adjusted beyond the conversation and even over the still partying teens just inside. It was a heart beat, a fast one, a human one.

   "They'll give us the numbers." Jasper informed, side eyeing the werewolves in the room, "Newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge."

Carlisle stood up straight, "We'll need to coordinate." Hunter grazed her lip with her teeth and began to pace the room. There was a lot they were having trouble grasping. They could die, all of them. Everything could go wrong at any point.

   "Carlisle, they're gonna get hurt." Bella cried.

He turned to her, sorrowful but determined nonetheless, "We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us." He directed his attention to the wolves, an alliance being formed.

   "Alright. Name the time and place." Jacob beamed.

Edward, still wearing a frown, got up from his spot and walked across the room. Hunter simply ignored the way he lightly pushed past her and shook her head, "Jake, you have no idea what you could be getting into."

   "Hunter, this is what we do." He told her. How concerned she was a normal and friendly thing but he couldn't help but feel a bit more special. "Plus, you guys should be happy. We're working together. You're the one who wanted us to get along, remember?" He smiled, sending a pointed look at Bella who seemed to grow even more worried than she already was.

The slam of a door and rustling gathered everyone's attention. Edward came rushing in with his hand wrapped tightly around Winston's arm, "Look who I found spying on us." He practically tossed the Forge boy in the middle of the room and Hunter's mouth ran dry.

This was the day she feared would come, the day she tried her hardest to avoid. But the way she handled things with him, he was bound to do some digging of his own. Winston held his hands out and stood up straight, "I wasn't— spying! I- I was just standing casually in the hallway and I just so happened to hear— everything you guys were talking about."

   "I knew he'd be a problem." Jacob spit, looking over to Hunter who only stared at the floor in defeat. This was karma's way of punching her to the ground.

Carlisle lightly guided Alice and Jasper out of the room, knowing that this was a conversation they weren't involved in. Quil and Embry remained by the door, making sure no one else came in.

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