

Diamonté POV 


At the reception Christian and I are dancing to our favorite song, 'Birthday Bitch'.

"Time for speeches, who's up first?" Diddy says.

Christian runs up to the mic and shouts, "Everyone sit down!" 

They obey and sit at tables.

"How y'all? Imma give a speech." He says.

They laugh at Christian because he is mentally retarded.

"Ummm...honestly I never thought Justin was gonna get married because he was never good a commitment. But when he met Diamonté, he lit up and actually fell in love," he says. "He finally found someone he could love and someone who made him happy." 

Justin is smiling beside me, I've never seen him smile at Christian.

"But, the fact that he married my best friend is what's weird to me," Christian says. 

"Diamonté, You've always been a sister to me, ever since I met you I've looked up to you and wanted you to be happy. I'm glad you're happy and you're making my brother happy. D, I'm glad you're my sister, not even sister in law moe, I'm calling you my sister because that's what you've been to me." 

Awww Cj.

"Diamonté...I love you, big sis.." Christian says wiping away a tear. " better make her happy or I swear to God imma hurt you ion care if you my brother!" 

"Damn moe!" Justin shouts laughing.

"But Justin, I really do love you, man, we've had our fights but trust me I love you." Christian says. 

Justin smiles and points to Christian, "Love you too bro." 

"Aight I'm done." Christian says walking off the stage

I can't help myself, so I get up, run to Christian and hug him.

He hugs me tightly, both of us are crying.

"Awwweee." The crowd says.

Justin walks up to Christian and they 'bro hug' as those two call it.

"Love you Man." Justin says 

"Love you too ." Christian says.

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