Quincy POV 


Ever since Christian met that girl at the park, he's been texting her for literally 3 hours. 

"Now you look like the desperate one." Justin points out

"Man, shut up." Christian snaps.

"Told you She a hoe." Diamonté says walking into the room with her phone.

I raise my eyebrow, "What you mean?" 

"I found her Instagram, she's a hoe." She says handing me her phone 

On her instagram she's all over 5 guys.

"Thot, period." I say handing Justin the phone

"Damn! She is a thot!" Justin laughs

Christian jumps up and snatches the phone, "Fuck." 

We laugh at him.

"Once a thot, always a thot." I say shrugging 


Diamonté POV


I knew that girl was a thot from the beginning. 

We decide on a plan to confront her, Christian- as in me, Justin,and  Quincy is going to meet her at the club.

Quincy is gonna 'flirt' with her, then Quincy's gonna leave her for two seconds, Christian gonna come up to her, dance all that good stuff and Quincy gon come back.

Then we confront her, more like I confront her. 


At the Club.........


"You see her?" Christian asks

I shake my head, "Nah...." 

I look over to my right and spot her, "Bar." 

Christian nods, "Aight y'all lets do this." 

We all take our positions, Quincy goes to sit at the bar, that nasty hoe already eying him.

I go with Justin on the dance floor, both of us got our AirPods in so we can hear each other. 

"Go head Quincy." I say.

We watch as Quincy looks over at Breah and smiles.

That boy😂

I notice Justin staring at me, I  can see him out the corner of my eye.

He lifts the hand with my engagement ring and kisses my hand.

I look at him and smile, "What?" 

"I'm sorry." He says

"Sorry for what?" I say laughing.

"For getting mad at you for not being ready to have another baby." He says.

"It's okay," I say. 

He smiles, "You sure?" 


"Do you still love me?" 


I smile at him , "Always." 

"Hey love birds, get the move on!" I hear Christian say

I look over and Quincy and Christian are at the bar and Breah looks confused.

Justin and I quickly run over there.

"Washpopping?" I say with an attitude 

Breah looks me up and down, "Who are you?"

"His best friend, Diamonté! That's Quincy, Christians brother, this is Justin his other brother and my husband." I snap. "Hoe." 

Breah rolls her eyes, "Bitch I ain't a hoe."

"Really? Your Instagram and your actions says otherwise." I say matter of factly

Breah rolls her eyes and walks out the club.

"BITCH!" Justin shouts. 

I laugh at him and smack his chest.

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