Diamontè and I are sitting on the couch watching Stomp The Yard, she cries when Chris Brown dies. "Why are you crying?" I say laughing. "Chris got shot." She sniffles. She cuddles more on my chest and sighs, I smile at her, gosh she's beautiful. 

"Justin, can we stay like this forever?" She asks. I look at her and kiss her forehead, "Of course, whatever you want." She smiles and lays her head on my lap, I wonder if she knows that Jacquese is texting her phone. "Hey, D, Jacquese is texting you." I tell her. She goes stiff, "W-What does it say?" I pick up the phone and look at it in disbelief. Jacquese has lost his mind. 

Jacquese🙄: Diamonte answer this phone! Now! 

Jacquese🙄: Hoe, you can't break up with me!

Jacquese 🙄: I will find ur ass and whoop your ass for ignoring me, bitch! 

Jacquese🙄: New man? He on my list too! Imma whoop your ass to near death and kill his ass, simple as that.

Jacquese 🙄: Ard, both of y'all dead now, hoe. 

"Death threats, both of us." I tell her. She immediately sits up and snatches her phone and reads over the texts, her hands shaking. "Oh my god." She whispers over and over again. She immediately calls her uncle, who happens to be the head officer of the police and tells him everything over the phone. 

Jacquese🙄: Oh, you calling cops now, motherfucker? I'm on your ass now. 

Diamontè paces the room, "Justin he wants to kill me!" "He's never gonna find us! We're in a secure place." I tell her calmly. I grab her waist and kiss her, "Breathe, baby." She smiles at me and kisses me, biting my bottom lip. 

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