One Month Later....


Diamonté POV


We decided to stay in Diddy's house for a month since he's near a hospital.

Good for when my water decides to break, it could be any day now.

Justin and I slept on the couch, his arms are around my waist.

I don't like that I've been bigger since I'm pregnant.

I get up and go in the kitchen with Christian, who is making fried eggs.

"Hey best friend." I say resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, D." He says. "Can you grab the pepper it's on the floor." 

"How the hell-."

"Don't ask." He says laughing 

I bend down to get the pepper and I feel some water like sensation coming out of me.

"Oh shit," I whisper,

Christian turns around and cusses.

"YO J! GET UP!" he shouts.

Justin runs into the kitchen and helps me up.

"Get dad and them, imma drive her to the hospital." Justin shouts.

Pain shoots in my stomach like period cramps.

"AHHHH!" I shout.

"Shit moe I'm coming with y'all!" Christians says.

Justin rolls his eyes and we run to the car.

"Breathe..." Justin tells me

Christian holds my hand tightly.

We finally reach the hospital and they immediately reel me in.

"Ma'am who is the father?" Nurse asks

I point to Justin, and the nurse begins to tell Christian to get out, but I tell her he can stay.

"Aight, ma'am....push." 






"One more time- a big push." 

Big push

"Congratulations, here is your new baby boy." 

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