Chapter 14: Dear Natasha

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Dear Natasha,

I'm old and therefore old fashioned, so writing a letter seems like a good idea incase I'm not there when you wake up. But I'm not that great with words so it's really hard. A lot harder than I thought.

There is so much I want to say and want to tell you. I know you'll be beating yourself up over all this...


You're still you. Independent of what anyone has tried to make you or paint you to be. Who they've made you believe you are.  No one holds anything against you, so don't let your past start to redefine you. Not now, not ever. Everyone wishes you well and hopes to see you home once you're ready.

Hopefully if you're reading this I'm on my way to you, or I'm already there.

If not, Eat something. Get some rest, and I'll see you soon.

In the meantime, just remember:

I will always love you. Exactly as you are. Nothing will ever change that.

All my love,


"Soppy bastard." She mumbled, wiping the tears fiercely from her face with a soft laugh. He always knew exactly what to say, even when he thought he didn't. She clutched the letter to her chest for a moment letting the words sink in before she glanced at her phone. She unlocked it, smiling softly at the picture of him saved as the background.

He had always laughed at it since it was an obnoxious close up, but she loved it

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He had always laughed at it since it was an obnoxious close up, but she loved it. The sparkle in his eyes and the small smile on his lips as he focused off camera, onto her, and it reminded her every time she looked at it how much she'd loved him, and he loved her. She could hear him laughing now from when she took the picture on her phone, grabbing her to cuddle into him once it was taken as they sat together on the rooftop of their old apartment block. A private space they had to enjoy the bright sunny day undisturbed.  She thought back to the conversations they had, trying to organise events and missions around spending time together until the sun began setting and they called it a day when it had finally disappeared from the sky.

She remembered every detail.


She never slept, she knew it would have been a waste of time to even try. Instead she spent the night looking through her phone, showering and washing her hair, looking through her belongings and pulling on her own clothes to ease the distress and worry in her mind. She looked for any distraction, watched tv, caught up on current affairs, read a few chapters of a book, anything that would pass the time quicker and make her feel more human. In the end, she had to make a phone call to soothe the demons inside her mind.

"Tasha?" Clint answered after the second ring, barely giving her any time to change her mind and hang up, it was late back home after all. He was in the darkness off his bedroom as he tried to adjust his eyes to the brightness of the phone and switch a light on. "You alright?"

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