Chapter 11: Catch her if you can.

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Alexi watched her closely from the armchair in the corner of the hotel room, motioning for her to join him at the one opposite as she took food from the mini fridge and a small bottle of vodka. She kicked it shut and sat across from him, eyeing him just as careful as he did with her. His eyes kept falling to her hands, wondering if he should bind her, keep himself safe. But that wouldn't keep her on his side, loose cannon or not, she should be handled with care.

Her hands had a faint tremor to them, from fear, anger or adrenaline, he wasn't sure. It made him uneasy of her next move, how she would process his information. He was a good liar, he knew that and had been trained well, just as good as she was. But could she see right through him? She had followed him after all, ruined his plan so he had to take drastic action sooner. He would have preferred to have a strong basis of trust established between them before resetting her, he could tell she was still fighting the confusion in her mind despite the collected exterior she had.

Natasha chewed with her mouth closed, eyes flickering across him for any weapons before she relaxed back into the chair, letting her body lounge there in content.

"What now?" She arched a brow. "Shall I become a lab rat experience while you filter through my memories for the intelligence they've wiped?" She states bluntly, taking a swig from the small bottle, barely wincing as the sharp liquor burned her throat.

"No, undoing your mind may be too much for it to handle. You're fragile to us now."

"Fragile?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Precious. Priceless. To be protected." He rested his elbows on the arms of the chair. "We will return to Russia, you can continue your work with Hydra, but you will not leave the country. We cannot risk losing your talents again."

She said nothing, taking another drink before she flicked the empty bottle into the trash can and massaged her head. "I don't think I've ever received so much praise before." She cast him another disinterested look. "Especially from a failed mission."

"Hydra understands you were caught off guard, through no fault of your own." He assured, getting up from the chair. "We won't move until the morning. I'll be out here." He nodded towards a bag by the bed. "There is your clothes in there, try and get some rest."

She nodded once in acknowledgement to his explanation and watched as he stepped back into the living area to settle back in his chair. She knew he'd be keeping watch over her, but she merely sighed as she got to her feet, feeling too weakened physically and mentally to challenge it. She closed the doors behind her, leaving him alone in the living space as she pulled clothes from a bag. The nightwear felt comfortable against her skin as she held it, and a small wave of relief flushed over her at the familiarity of it. The texture, the smell, the look. She dropped it back in the bag to examine her hands, dirty from the fight, dried spots of blood and grazes on her knuckles. Her eyes focused on the ring on her left hand, still sparkling through the grime and she eased it off, examining it under the light before discarding it back into the bag without a second thought. She headed to the bathroom to clean up, starting the water running in the sink as she stared at herself hard in the mirror, trying to find the answers she needed from herself and ease the doubt in her mind.


"I'm fine." Bucky growled, his hand still putting pressure on his wound that was seeping blood through the bandages. "If she leaves this country, it's over, Do you get that? We won't have a chance!"

Clint and Tony were walking fast behind him along the corridor to the main floor where Fury had all agents on deck. Scanning surveillance footage, airports for her known false names and passports, anything that could indicate where she was. Her phone tracker was useless, they had found it broken and in the dirt after she'd long escaped. Bucky kept hold of it, keeping it in his pocket just incase.

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