Chapter 9: Protect the Asset.

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* I mean...I hope you like this? Idk. I'll develop it more in the next chapter I promise🙈*

"Imagine meeting you here," she smiled, moving into the seat across from Alexi in a coffee shop not far from SHEILD. He looked up with a moment of fleeting surprise flashing across his features. A lie. He knew she came here for coffee most days.

She knew he'd be here too. She only had a few hours of the tracer left on him, and she was utilising them to the best of her ability. At some point during the madness of the day, she'd notice his tracer uncomfortably close to their home, and it made her uneasy.

"Delight to see you as always," he flashed her a smile, nodding to her coffee. "I assume that's to help cope with the stress of today? Quite a mess it's been out there."

"Indeed," she sighed, shaking her head. "Tensions are a little high, at the moment. We seem to have hit a dead end."

"I'm sure you'll all find a way out of it." He frowned in concern, "I hope you don't mind me saying, but you look stressed."

"That's one word I'd use," she sighed, sipping her coffee and holding it in both hands.

"Protecting the world holds its own burden." He commented, meeting her gaze intently as he bit back the snarky tone threatening to make its way into his voice. Her eyes held his, a small smirk on her lips.

"You've no idea..." she replied, struggling with a problem similar to his.

She trusted James. She trusted her gut. Both don't trust Alexi. Neither did she.

He couldn't care less. He was winning. And if he happened to lose, there was always plan B, a prize he'd win anyway.

SHEILDS intel was a greedy bonus for him. For them. He abandoned his original plan to take things slow and build trust, he could do this a multitude of ways. Just some were more humane for her than others. That would be her choice, depending on how compliant he could trick her into being.


Tony was first to break the silence, as always.

"Anyone else feel like they are chasing their own tail here?" He frowned, undoing the top button of his shirt and taking a mouthful of coffee. He dropped into the sofa beside Wanda, who was rubbing her forehead softly. "It's like we are dealing with the invisible man here."

"Or several of them." Clint yawned, staring at the ceiling as if for inspiration.

They began brainstorming ideas, despite their exhaustion, they'd manage to regain control of the city, some form of order returning. Now everyone was wanting answers. The press, the cops, the government, the public. Pressure was building.

"C'mon Cap, what's the plan?" Sam asked, and all eyes turned to Bucky.

He kept his back slightly turned away from them, looking out at the city from the window. The answer was out there somewhere, he knew it. So close he could grab it and yet he was still so lost. Steve would know what to do. He'd have a plan....

"Anytime today...." Sam continued and he spun around to face them, Natasha sent a glare burning into the back of Sam's head.

"We do what Fury said. We wait."

Everyone looked up at him, some surprised, some expected it, some agreed and others didn't.

"And let more innocent people suffer?!" Tony huffed.

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