Chapter 1: Birthday

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"So." Steve Rogers grinned across the small round table at his best friend. "How does it feel to almost be another year older?"

"Yeah old man, how is the end of your one hundredth and-"

"Finish that sentence Sam, and you won't live to see your next one." Bucky threatened before taking a swig of beer from his bottle, grinning at his friend across the table.

Sam chuckled along with Steve, "Don't get all bitter with me cause I'm the youngest, best looking guy here."

"Humble too." Steve shrugs, making Bucky smirk and Sam roll his eyes while drinking his beer. "Anyway, I better start heading home."

"Me too. Old men, can't party like we used too." Bucky joked to Sam with a shrug.

"Who are you foolin'?" Sam frowned, finishing off his own beer. "You two can be the worst drunks as soon as Thor breaks out his super strong god liquor."

"Which the youngest, apparent best looking guy here can't handle a sip of." Bucky smirked, patting his shoulder roughly as the three friends started to head out and their own paths home.

"Oh ha ha. Just wait until tomorrows dinner. There's no escaping Thor once he's in the party spirit."

"I do remember saying I didn't want a party on several occasions." Bucky frowned.

"It'll be fun, Buck. Plus, Natasha insisted since she's stuck in Switzerland." Steve reasoned, pushing his hands into his pockets with a shrug.

"And we are more scared of her than of you." Sam joked, hailing a cab. "Plus, loneliness is the biggest killer in the elderly, so get your party hat on old timer, we've already ordered cake."

Bucky firmly gave him the middle finger in response, accepting defeat that he would have to enjoy himself being centre of attention for one night.


The sound of the door closing disturbed his sleep only slightly. He stirred as he started to wake, grumbling against the pillow as he lay on his front with his metal arm hanging from the edge of the bed brushing the floor. He must have passed out since returning home from the bar, still wearing his jeans but minus his shirt and shoes which were discarded on the floor somewhere. Still half asleep, he felt the bed beneath him shift slightly, but before he could fully waken and flip his supposed attacker off of him, a soft pair of lips lightly pressed against the side of his neck, and then smiled against his skin.

"Miss me?" A familiar voice hummed against his neck, hands lightly stroking along his back and sides. He exhaled with a soft chuckle, relaxing as he realised the complete lack of threat he'd expected.

"Did you lie to me on my birthday?" He murmured with a smirk, not bothering to open his eyes just yet as he stretched. "Or have I been passed out here for three days?"

"Hmmm," the lips vibrate against his neck, moving down to his bare shoulder before pressing another kiss against his skin. "The second option is way more likely." She teased.

He twisted to smile up at the redhead straddling his back, a position she adjusted slightly so he could move to face her. The room was dark, but he could see her signature half smirk clearly above him once his eyes adjusted. She flicked her hair over her shoulder out of her face with an elegant shake of her head, removing her widow bites from her wrist swiftly to place on the bedside table.

"Natasha," he smiled lazily up at her. "What are you doing here? Your mission was meant to last until Sunday."

"It's your birthday." She stated with a quirk of her brow, leaning down to brush her lips lightly against his with a soft peck once she was done removing all her weaponry . "I made sure I completed it early and came straight home. It's technically not a lie, I'm just really efficient with my time."

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