Chapter Seven|Invitations

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"Come on! Mia, I know you can do this!! Push!" Pushing and pushing, which feels like an eternity. But, I finally made it go inside.

I wipe away the little hairs from my bun away from my vision.

I correctly measured the right amount of detergent and fabric softener and put it into the right compartments. Then press start.

"Well, all the laundry is done...kind of...." I wiped away the dramatic non-dripping sweat that formed on my forehead.


Who is that? I'm not expecting anyone. And mom didn't tell me about anybody.

I walk out of the laundry room, through the kitchen and living room. I look the peephole to see Liam and Sam standing on the porch.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you text or call?" I ask.

"I told Mom that I was going over Sam's house, it's just that you didn't get the memo." He protested.

"Memo or not, you should've at least texted me."

"She's right, Liam," Sam says laughing her ass off next to him.

"I thought you were on my side?!?!" Liam yells.

"I go on a side where I know the person is right," Sam came to my side. "I give Mia her props."

"Thank you, Sam," I smirk and put my elbow on top of Sam's shoulder. She crosses her arms and smirk as well.

"Wow I never thought that you were the one who could betray someone," Liam said playfully hurt.

"Sorry, Babe,"

"Anyway, I came over to just see how my little sister is doing?" He walked up to me giving me a hug.

Like always, he holds me by my head and back, pulling me in close.

"I'm fine," I say, awkwardly trying to hug him back.

"Clearly," he pulls back. "You look like young Mom when it's cleaning day."

"Oh shut up," all I was wearing was some burgundy tights and an oversized grey shirt.

"Anyway, I just came over to grab some clothes." Liam ran up the stairs.

"Where is you going where you needs clothes?" I ask curiously.

"I'm having a little New Years party with my friends at my place. And they're spending a night."

"That sounds fun." So fun that I think imma steal the idea.

"C'mon Babe, I'm ready." Said Liam coming downstairs with a duffle bag representing his college.

"Well you guys have fun," I say with a smile.

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine alone on New Years?" Sam asks sympathetically.

"She's gonna be fine, Sam. It's Mia for crying out loud." Liam scoffs. "She's old enough to take care of herself."

"I'm glad you realize that but she asked me." In rebuttal, he says nothing and holds his hand up in surrender. "I'll be fine, Sam."

"Bye!" She gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves out with Liam.

Where's my phone? I should text the squad about my idea.

Looking at the last place that I've been, the laundry room, I found my phone sitting on top of a pile of clothes.

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