2. Long Distance (18+)

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Written for Valentine's Day 2019 multilingual contest.

"Whether we deserve this or not, whether these turn out to be the darkest days of our lives or the brightest happiness, we've been guided by love. How can we go wrong when we're guided by love?"

- Morgan Parker


Ana's stomach backflipped when her plane touched down in England. In fact, the closer she got to see Max, the worse it would get, but in a good way.

They had met through a friend in common, who had studied abroad. Once junior year was over, Rodrigo came back home, and brought bright-eyed Max with him. He introduced the two at his homecoming party, and they instantly hit it off. He'd say dog, she'd say cat; he'd say summer, she'd say winter; he'd say United, she'd say City. Still, they talked as if they had known each other for ages.

"How do you like Rio so far, Max?" she asked.

"It's beautiful. It's so energetic. Nobody speaks English and yet it feels like home." He raised his beer in a salute.

"That's what all gringos say. Did you get to see anything interesting so far?"

"Not really." He made a face. "Rodrigo's not exactly doing a good job of showing me around."

"That's an outrage!" Ana brought a hand to her chest to feign the feeling. "Screw Rodrigo! I can show you around"

"Really? You wouldn't mind doing all the tourist stuff with me?"

"Nah! I've never done that stuff either." She waved a dismissive hand. "It'll be fun for the both of us."

"Wait, you've never been to Rio's tourist spots?"

"Of course, not. I live here. Have you ever been to the John Rylands Library?"

"You have a point... So you have a thing for neo-gothic architecture."

"And rare books as well." She raised her beer in a toast. "I'd love to visit sometime, maybe stop by Etihad Stadium to catch a game."

"Don't start."

The next day, she showed him around, not just to tourist spots, but regular leisure spots as well. He kissed her on top of Corcovado, overlooking the whole city. One week later, they slept together, and the sight-seeing became a series of countless sexcapades. They did it at the library, at the museum, the club, the bar, the zoo, you name it. They also did it at her place, at Rodrigos' place, upside-down, standing, sitting...

She would never forget how he smirked whenever he climaxed, looking into her eyes. How hurt he had looked when the time came for him to go back and how he had turned around and shouted "can I call you from Oxford?" in the middle of the busy airport. Her heart had stopped when he asked the question, and his eyes had sparkled when she said yes.

The two went on to talk on the phone regularly and even though they tried to let each other go, they found themselves reaching for the phone more and more. Ana wouldn't stop thinking about him, wouldn't stop touching herself at the thought of him. Seeing other people wasn't cutting it. She had to at least hear his voice, listen to him talk about his life and problems, and his sighs against the receiver every time they had to hang up.

Being platonic with Max was painful. The two weeks they had spent together had spoiled her. She was getting distracted and forgetful, constantly daydreaming about his kisses, his biting, his sex. Still, with the distance and both being open about their dating statuses, there was this silent agreement between them that they were just friends.

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