Chapter 27 [Last]

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The sun had risen with a warmth that wasn't making the scorching summers seem so bad. The warm breeze wasn't irritating but welcomed the habitants of the city with some comfort and solace. It was indicating that something good had happened.

Sara's return to the Khan family was something everyone took time to adjust with, but it wasn't impossible and was getting better only with every day. Behraam and Dania had welcomed her with open arms, there was no awkward interaction. Sara was also really humble with Behraam, deep down she was still guilty for what she had done but Behraam's kindness and acceptance with her made it easy for them to start afresh.

The same wasn't the case with Azlan. He was fine with Sara, there were no complaints or grudge against her and he was happy to bring her back, but he was still taking his time. It wasn't easy to forget all the time of his life he spent without his mother and even went as far as insulting her whenever given the chance. Nevertheless, their relationship was improving since Behraam, Dania and Sara tried to make it look normal and not something complicated.

Dania and Azlan's relationship itself were getting better by every day only. With Dania's pregnancy entering the last crucial months, Azlan's focus had entirely shifted towards looking after her health. He was trying, he still hadn't stopped at trying to prove to her that he was sorry for his mistakes even though Dania had forgiven him long back. But these gestures of his were only heart-warming for her. It made her believe in their love some more.


Azlan was stood leaning against the wall with worry etched on his face. Dania was admitted to the hospital in the morning and had gone into labour. He was praying but his concern wasn't hidden from his face and lost self. Sara and Amaraah were there too while the men waited at home to wait for the good news instead of forming a huge family union at the hospital.

Azlan closed his eyes and said a prayer in his heart when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he opened his eyes and found Sara by his side. He looked at her with tired eyes when she smiled at him.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Just pray."

"She will be alright, right?"

"She will be. InshAllah."

He passed her a sad smile and Amaraah was just sat near looking at the heart-warming moment between the son and mother duo.

The next moment, Dr Saira walked out, and everyone caught her attention immediately.

"Congratulations to all of you. It's a girl. Both the mother and child are doing fine. You will be able to see them when they are shifted in the room."

Azlan sighed in relief when a tear rolled down his cheek and he thanked God looking up with a feeling of gratitude. Then, his expression was turned into a smiling one.


Amaraah and Sara had both mumbled hugging each other.

"Congratulations, Azlan. I am so happy for the two of you."

Amaraah had said patting his shoulder. He gave her a full-fledged smile and then hugged her sideways.


Azlan was holding his baby girl in his arms and there he felt his world was complete. She was sleeping calmly in his arms, but he was having all sorts of conversations with her and the picture the two were making was making Dania all happy and warm.

"She has your eyes."

"And she has your smile. She is even smiling while she's asleep. Look."

Azlan said looking at his baby while he brought her closer to Dania.

"So, have you thought of the name yet, dear husband?"

"You name her."

"I haven't thought of any yet."

"Wife, that's not the way to go. Okay, so..."

He paused for a few moments to tease her when Dania spoke rolling her eyes.

"Just spill."

"Amelia Muraad Khan."

"Just perfect." Dania said with tears of gratitude and happiness in her eyes.

"Thank you, Dania. For every single thing. For giving me chance, for not giving up on our love and for this beautiful precious blessing."

"Thank you to you too. For coming back home."

"I had to. There was no other way. You have completed me. I was a fool for what I did..."

"Please let it go, will you? It's over, it's gone. I am really not in the mood of giving you a goodness lecture. I am too tired. So, don't get me started. Be a good husband and look after the baby while I rest away."

"Spitting fire at me. Take it easy, wife."

"I will think about it."

Dania said winking at him while he just rolled his eyes and concentrated back on his little bundle of joy who was in his hands.


Amelia had become a central part of the family. She grabbed all the attention of her parents and the grandparents from both families. But there was one man in the family who still hadn't met Amelia. It was Khizar. It had been three weeks since Amelia was born and Khizar was away to the UK for a fashion event. He was finally coming today to see his niece and apart from him, everyone in the family was also excited to see that exciting reunion.

"You are a cruel sister. I am waiting to see my niece and here you are telling me she is sleeping. So, what? I only want to see her. I won't wake her up. I promise."

"She didn't sleep well at night and you have landed at our door so early morning. But she is supposed to be up soon. Patience is key."

"Just wait till I hold her, I am going to put all my complaints through. She will deal with you then."

Dania couldn't help but ended up laughing seeing her brother being dramatic for no reason.

"And, and, where's your husband? I am sure you don't stop him from holding her?"

"Oh, no, you are wrong there, brother. I get kicked out of the room because apparently I am too loud."

"I am really not that harsh."

They stopped in between their conversation when they heard Nazia coming to Dania to let her know that Amelia was up. Dania was about to walk to the room when she stopped in her tracks when Khizar called her out.

"Let me go. Don't interrupt now. Its mine and my baby's time."

Khizar said and walked towards the room when Dania and Azlan laughed at his over dramatic self.


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