Chapter 5

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"We as a fashion house have a proud history of always satisfying the brands and people we work with. We like to work with the teams we are designing for, we always welcome their ideas, their preferences and we consistently put them before ours. So, if our Fashion House can work with ABK Films, it will be nothing but an honour. Our team will not give you a reason to complain and will welcome all ideas, criticisms and input you will have to offer. Now in terms of designs we have prepared for this meeting, I would like to ask Dania to present them to you all".

Azlan, Kunwar, Dania and Khizar listened to Ali speak and when he was done, Azlan shifted his eyes to Kunwar and nodded slightly as a gesture of approval. Kunwar smiled with a relief that this meeting would not go to waste because Azlan was impressed with what Muraad's had to offer so far. However, there was a big if in this matter, the proper yes would come only if Dania's designs satisfy him. If they are not up to his mark, his signal would change into a declining look for the contract.

As Dania got up from her chair to move close to the screen to present, Azlan looked straight in her eyes and it didn't go unseen from her. He made her feel uneasy and nervous at the same time. First, she was sat directly facing him and now as she presents, he would be looking right towards her and she won't be able to escape his deep stares. But she composed herself and began presenting.

"Since the title of the film is Baaghi, I had to include some elements of vulnerability in some of the designs for the male protagonist in the film. In my opinion, after constant struggle and weakness, one gathers the courage to rebel and fight the demons weakening them."

After twenty minutes of presenting, Dania ended her presentation on this note and the conference room was filled with a moment of silence because the man looking direct in her eyes was still, passing no expression or hint whatsoever on how he found her ideas. Kunwar at first mumbled his name so Azlan hears him and says something but that subtle attempt went in vain. Ali and Khizar looked at each other and then at Azlan hoping that he gives some sort of response. Dania felt concerned now, she felt as if she ruined it for her father and their company.

After some silence, Azlan got up from his seat, and casually walked to Dania where she was standing near the projector screen. He could tell she was shivering with nervousness and fear. Is he that scary? He thought to himself and then smiled looking at her much to her relief.

"You did a good job. Well done!"

He meant what he said. When he praised people, he praised with a genuine impression of liking their work.

He wasn't fake or dishonest.

The fact that he smiled as he said it to calm her frightened self was another unexpected gesture Azlan would never show for people he meets for business, but he did to her. Even Kunwar was surprised but it wasn't the moment to tease him for it.

"What's the scared look for? I am not a haunting ghost, seriously". He shrugged his shoulders seeing her look away while Kunwar tried to make sense of how Azlan was so different today.

"Thankyou." Dania couldn't figure what to say to him in response so she mumbled and walked away from him to join her father and brother while Azlan slightly chuckled.

"I think we should go ahead with this deal Mr Muraad. You and your team have prepared some great designs just how I wanted them to be. The work must begin soon! Welcome on board."

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