The First Chapter

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Tay's P.O.V.

The steady yet very annoying beep of my alarm caused me to groan and roll over, smacking it. I realized that I had rolled right on top of Jenna and then my eyes widened.

"Jenna!" I yelled, shooting out of the bed.

"I'm up, I promise," came a sleepy, Australian-accented mumble.

"No you're not! We have to get the kids to school! It's their first day of ninth grade!"

Jenna sat up and hurried with me to get to the kids. She ran downstairs to begin making them their usual breakfast--two strawberry Toaster Strudels with icing and a glass of chocolate milk--while I ran into the twins' bedroom.

"Evan! Ava!" I called. I walked over to Ava's bed and patted her back. Our dog, Nala, lifted her head from the bed to look at me. "Ava, wake up."

The blonde groaned and swatted at me. "Two more minutes, Mom."

"No, Ava. You need to get up right now. Jen's making breakfast."

She groaned again and sat up, so I moved over to Evan's bed. I shook his leg lightly.

"Wake up, Evan," I said.

He grunted and moved the pillow over his head, so I sighed and grabbed his blanket, throwing it to the floor.

"Mom!" he yelled, and Nala barked at the sudden change in loudness.

"Get up, or you're going to be late for school."

"I don't care about being late."

"If you manage to be late on your first day of school, I am going to have your Uncle Devin beat you up."

"Uncle Devin wouldn't hurt a fly," Ava said as she hurried to the bathroom.

I laughed at that truth and told Evan he had to hurry before walking downstairs to Jenna, Nala prancing down after me. She had baby David on her hip as she spread white icing on the kids' Toaster Strudels.

"Good morning," I said to her, and we kissed.

"Good morning," she replied. We kissed again and David stretched his arms out to me.

"Well, good morning to you, too, Davy," I said.

"Unh!" David yelled, pointing to the breakfast.

"No, that's for Ava and Evan."


"Do you want some Cheerios!"

David grinned, showing adorable little dimples as I smiled back and grabbed the box of Cheerios.


"Not it," I said, touching my nose.

Jenna groaned. "Coming!" she yelled, and walked upstairs. There was some more yelling as I fed David Cherrios before Jenna yelled something about beating Ava's ass. I laughed and she soon came back downstairs, David giving her the strangest look.

Soon, Evan and Ava ran downstairs, grabbed their breakfast, and ran into the living room, Nala barking and running after them.

"No, Nala!" Evan yelled.

"Ow, Evan!" Ava yelled.

"Kids, be nice," Jenna called.

"Mom!" Evan whined. "Ava bit me!"

"Ava, it's not nice to bite your brother," I scolded.

"But he pulled on my hair," Ava argued.

"You pulled on mine first!"

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