"Annabeth Chase, do you take your man to be your husband?" Chiron asks turning to Annabeth.

"I do," Annabeth replies.

"Now, by the power invested in me by Aphrodite, I pronounce you husband and wife," Chiron announces as Annabeth kisses Percy and the crowd goes wild.

September 2016

"I thought you loved larb," Aunt May says to Peter who's playing with your food, "Too larby? Not larby enough?" she asks trying to make a joke out of it. "How many times do I have to say larb before you talk to me?" She laughs, "You know I larb you?"

Percy chuckles and nudges Peter, "Come on, bud you have to say something, you can't just ignore us."

Peter sighs, "Ah, it's just the internship, I'm tired, I have a lot of work." Percy gives Peter a look, he knew the "Stark Internship" was just Peter being Spider-Man, and he could stop if he wanted.

"The Stark Internship, I have to tell you," Aunt May says pointing her chopsticks at Peter, "I'm not a fan of that Tony Stark. You're distracted all the time; he's got you in your head. Whatever, you're going, you can use your instincts." Percy can tell Peter's not listening and watching the TV.

"An ATM robbery was thwarted by Queen's own colorful local crime fighter, the Spider-Man. As the Spider-Man attempted to foil their heist, a powerful blast was set off slicing through the bodega across the street. Miraculously, no one was harmed," the TV reporter announces.

May turns towards Peter and Percy, "If you spot something like that happening, you turn and run the other way," she directs.

Peter nods slowly, "Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, of course," he says even though Percy knows he would actually run towards the danger.

"Percy?" Aunt May asks turning towards the other boy.

"I'll try my best, but you know me Aunt May," Percy replies smirking, "Trouble just always seems to find me."

"Six blocks away from us!" May says in disbelief.

"I, uh, need a new backpack," Peter says changing the subject and smiling sheepishly.

"What?" May asks cupping her hand around her ear.

"I, I need a new backpack," Peter says again.

"That's five," May says ending the conversation as a waiter walks over.

"Sticky rice plate," the waiter says setting it down.

"Oh we didn't order that," May says.

"It's on the house," the waiter says smiling.

"Oh, thanks," May says giving a forced smile, 'That was nice of him."

"I think he larbs you," Peter says slowly trying to make a joke. Percy chuckles as May gasps and points to herself.


"House party in the suburbs, ah, I remember these," May says as they pull up to Liz's house, "Kind of jealous."

"It will be a night to remember," Ned says nervously as May laughs.

"Ned, some hats wear men, you wear that hat," May says causing Percy to laugh.

"Yeah, it gives me confidence," Ned replies.

"This was a mistake," Peter says, "Hey, let's just go home."

"Oh, Peter," May starts.

"No, wait, I've got this May," Percy interrupts, "Come on Peter," he says opening the door and stepping out, "No you stay there Ned."

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