To be pretty

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(requested by @sugarsweet417 , thank you for the suggestion!)

(Pidge's POV)
As I was in the bathroom I looked at the mirror and sighed. My hair had gotten back to the length I had it before I cut it. The problem is that I don't have scissors in space. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should keep my hair like this. It does make me look more girly and pretty. Maybe Lance will find me more attractive now. I walk out of the bathroom and , speak of the devil, Lance was there.

"Good morning Pidge! I see you decided to keep your hair long" He said in his cheery voice.

"I kinda have no choice, we don't have scissors. Plus, it kinda reminds me of memories back home." I said, remembering my old house and my family.

"Well it looks great! I was just going to get breakfast, care to join me?" Lance asked in his normal flirty voice.

"Why of course, Prince Charming." I said. We then linked arms and walked to the kitchen. When we got there, Lance took out two plates and got some food goo. He then proceeded to pull out a chair for me.

"My lady" He said, still trying to "flirt". Key word, trying. I than sat down and we talked for a while before he brought up a different topic.

"Hey Pidge." He asked

"Yeah?" I said wondering what he would say next.

"Why did you keep your hair long? I mean other than the facts you told me earlier. You could use your bayard." He said, beginning to push.

"I was hoping you would think I'm more girly." I mumbled/whispered so he didn't hear me. My face was red as a tomato now and my heart was racing.

"What was that?" He asked

"I was hoping you would think I look more girly. There, you happy?" I said, accidentally snapping.

"Why would I want you to be more girly?" He said sounding confused.

"Because then maybe you would like me more." I said getting tears in my eyes.

"Pidge..." He then got up and walked over to me. He stood in front of me, hesitating to do something. Seconds later he leaned down and kissed me. It wasn't a dream either, it was real. When he pulled away, we were both blushing like mad. When we heard a cough coming from the door, we knew we were in trouble. I looked over and saw Shiro. He had a look of "your in trouble missy" on his face. Uh oh.

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you would like a second part, please comment down below!)

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