
Our server came with two glasses of water and a basket of hot bread, with butter. She took our drink and appetizer orders. We got an order of fried calamari to share. Natalie ordered a glass of wine and I ordered a beer. We also gave her our dinner order.

"Nicole told me you moved to Savannah to work for Pennington Inc." Natalie took a sip of wine.

"As a matter-of-fact I did. I took over Nicole's job as Sales Account Executive. She got pregnant right after she and Skyler got married. I'm the head of the sales department, along with other things. It keeps me busy." I leaned back in my seat. "My father always wanted this to be a family run business. Skyler was the only one that jumped at the opportunity to work for Pennington Inc." I fiddled with my beer bottle top, flipping it in the air.

Natalie buttered a piece of bread. "You didn't want to work for the family business?"

"I wouldn't necessarily say that. I am the brother of Skyler Pennington-but we couldn't be more different. We look very similar, and people expect me to be just like him. He is the perfect son, husband, and father. He is CEO of Pennington Inc." I thought before sharing further how I felt.

"I'm an adventurer and I love being a race car driver. I don't like staying in one place all of my life. I've traveled to so many places and met many different people. I've been in races-driving at exhilarating speeds in various countries." I took a bite of calamari, as I was thinking.

Natalie left me all of the ones with tentacles and she took the circular ring pieces. She seemed to ponder what I was saying.

"I do at least like working for our shipping company. I also enjoy being the director of sales and marketing. I get to travel, as one of the perks. I wanted to be a Nascar driver, but my family never shared my enthusiasm. It's hard to explain," I shook my head and let out a frustrated sigh.

Natalie reached over and placed her warm hand on mine. "I understand wanting to be free to do whatever you choose for your career. I'm a children's book author and illustrator, because I decided that's what I wanted to do. I love it and I've carved out a career for myself."

Her words of understanding and her soft touch, affected me unlike I would ever have imagined it could. My pulse started to pick up speed. I liked Natalie the moment I met her last year, but now she's someone that I really would love to get to know better.

I studied her face for a minute. "I know this may sound crazy since we haven't even finished our dinner yet. . . . Would you like to go on a real date with me? We can go on another day, while you're still in Savannah." I waited for her to finish chewing.

"Sure, I'd love too," she drank ice water nervously from her glass.

"Miles! Fancy meeting you here. Could I meet with you at work tomorrow? I have some things to go over with you." Jenna, from my sales team spoke excitedly.

"Hi, I'm Jenna Mayfair. I work with Miles at Pennington Inc." She extended her hand to Natalie.

"Nice to meet you Jenna. My name is Natalie." She didn't explain who she was, or how she knew me.

"Oh how rude of me, this is my sister, Lori. I hope we're not interrupting a date night." She questioned more than stated.

"You look so much like Skyler's wife, Nicole." She remarked, still waiting for Natalie to reveal exactly who she was. And obviously, she was trying to figure out our relationship.

"I'm Nicole's sister." She stated plainly while looking at Jenna, managing a slight smile.

"Oh, I had no idea that Nicole had another sister." Her eyes examined Natalie, assessing her closely and lingering.

"You could pass for her twin."

"I am her twin sister."

Mic drop!

Jenna let out a gasp. "Well, that explains it. Lisa and I will let you two get back to your dinner. It was nice meeting you Natalie. I'll see you at work tomorrow, Miles."

She gave me a coy glance while touching my shoulder. Then she turned in the direction of their table after waving goodbye.

Natalie is very observant. I wondered what she thought of Jenna? She has made it very clear that she has some kind of interest in me. But I've never gone out with her outside of work. I'm sure she will have lots of questions tomorrow. She seemed intimidated by Natalie's presence.

"That was interesting meeting Jenna. I hope I'm not giving her any ideas that we are anything other than friends." Natalie emphasized and then added, "She seems to be attracted to you. You certainly claim attention from the ladies." She half teased.

"No, Jenna is great to work with. We have an amazing sales team. But I've never given her the impression that I'm interested in her." I accentuated the word work.

I didn't want her to get the idea that Jenna and I are more than friends. For some reason that was important for me to convey.

I wanted to escape this restaurant quickly after that run in. "Are you ready to go? I'll ask for the check."

Our server brought the check to the table. "How much do I owe you?" Natalie inquired as she searched her pocket book for her wallet.

I covered her hand with mine. "I got it. I'm paying for dinner." I stated in a don't argue with me tone.

"Thank you so much, Miles. I didn't expect you to pay for my dinner too." She placed her fingertips on my hand. Her expressive eyes held gratitude.

"I wanted to." I stated while holding her gaze.

She blushed and smiled at the same time. She was truly a beautiful woman. I love that she
is self assured and didn't assume anything. I find myself liking her more and more.

We left the restaurant, got back on my motorcycle, and rode to Skyler and Nicole's house. I assisted her off of the bike. Her legs were wobbly and she started to fall backwards. I caught her in my arms.

She looked up at me as she spun around. "Thank you for your chivalry." Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight and my heart carried a new cadence.

"Your welcome, anytime. I'm sorry I got you home so late." I looked at my watch.

"Don't be, I enjoyed myself very much." She gave me a steady intent look.

I closed the distance, placing my finger under her chin and gently lifting it. Her eyelids closed for a brief second. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. I had planned to kiss her temple. Her eyes sprang open. She looked up at me, startled without speaking.

I felt my heart throbbing inside my chest. I saw her rapid breathing pattern rise and fall. She was affected by my simple kiss.

What was I thinking? She alone brought that out in me, in that very moment.

"Goodnight Natalie. I enjoyed spending time with you today. Let's hang out again soon." I was trying to lessen any awkwardness. I'm sure I spoke a little louder than I meant to. I was talking over my heart's drumming sound in my ears.

I caught her trying to hold back a grin that was starting to form. It was a priceless smile with a blush spreading to her whole face. It felt like we were two teenagers on our first date.

"Goodnight Miles. I know you're working this week, but maybe we can do lunch if you're not too tied up?" She gulped and nervously looked down at her feet, as she avoided my gaze. I was so happy I hadn't scared her away.

"That sounds like a plan," I uttered, with a slight tremble in my voice.

I walked her to the door. "I'll text you tomorrow once I see what my schedule looks like." I was going to check with my secretary first thing in the morning.

I watched her walk inside and close the door. I started up my bike, put my helmet on, and wondered what just happened?


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